Do you feel like you don't belong at your own family gatherings? 

Check out this video and then scroll down for how to learn my proven 3-step approach to navigate any family gathering using the power of boundaries that work. With the added benefit of feeling confident and even enjoy yourself.

If you are ready to Drop the Dread and Find Your Joy instead this holiday season, I have the Holiday Workshop PLUS a Boundaries Bonus just for you!

When you have a challenging history and relationship with family, the holidays can be an especially draining time because while everyone SEEMS happy and like one big happy family, you feel UNSEEN, UNHEARD, and definitely NOT VALUED for the unique person you are so you probably tell yourself one of the following:

Grin and Bear it

Just get through it

Keep the peace

These are usually the chosen methods of navigating the challenging and often toxic family dynamics that seem to flare during the holiday season.

The reality is it feels like you are walking on eggshells and at any moment you could upset someone you care about or ignite a fire that has been simmering just below the surface in the force of long held resentments. 

Yet, we all believe the holiday season is suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year filled with love and hope and joy and togetherness.

What if this year you could get closer to that ideal? What if this year you could take a step closer to the holiday you always hope will happen when you pay attention to all the details of decor, food, and gifts?

You can have the holiday you hope for when you prepare in a different way. It's not that you won't decorate and find the perfect gift for your sister and make Great Grandma's melt-in-your-mouth cookies. You will do those treasured traditions AND you will also:

  • have confidence in choosing which events you will attend without fear of upsetting others or feeling ignored and overlooked
  • set boundaries ahead of time that are guaranteed to work when the family drama begins to flare up or you have had enough of feeling left out
  • know how to prevent that feeling of dread going into conversations and gatherings because you don't do small talk well as it feels fake

Instead of HOW AM I GOING TO MANAGE MOM or SIBLING or IN-LAWS this year, let's shift it into HOW AM I GOING TO SHOW UP to the holiday season this year?

Client Testimony

"I honestly thought the three steps Jill taught me were too logical to work because I kept wondering why I hadn't thought of it already. But, I realized that trying to feel comfortable at extended family gatherings using my own ideas was just making more uncomfortable so I gave it a try. The preparation gave me so much calm heading into a family event and usually I would be up with anxiety all night. I followed through on the plan I had created and was surprised that I actually enjoyed myself as I was able to walk away from conversations and people that didn't make me feel good."

What is my time and money investment as the holidays are time consuming and pricey?

The Holiday Workshop + Boundaries Bonus is $197 per person and that includes 4 self-guided trainings through email, 2 group coaching sessions on Zoom, and one private coaching strategy session with Jill that you schedule on your own time.

How does the Holiday Workshop + Boundaries Bonus work? Do I need to be at a certain place at a certain time?

The Holiday Workshop + Boundaries Bonus is broken down into 4 trainings that arrive in your email inbox, one per week, and you can go through them on your own schedule.

Training One: Pinpointing the problem areas of your holiday season

Training Two: Dreaming up your less drama and dread holiday season

Training Three: Boundaries that tie your holiday season together (and that really work!)

Training Four: Addressing your biggest fears of what could happen to make your holiday season the most stressful one yet

Group coaching sessions are scheduled for:

  • November 18th at 9am CST
  • November 27th at 7pm CST

Your individual strategy session is scheduled by you so you choose the best date/time for you