What is your relationship with food?

  • Are you constantly challenged by figuring out the "right" things to eat? 
  • Do you feel shame about some of the choices you make, feeling regretful after eating? 
  • Do you use food to numb your feelings, eating the whole bag of cookies before you've even tasted one?
  • Do you hate how your body feels after eating?
  • Are you confused by diets and what you "should" be eating?

What if there was a saner way to think about food?

Intentional Eating: Finding Peace and Balance in Your Relationship with Food, is a 6 week program to help you feel more confident and more in control over your eating habits. Using principles of yoga and brain science, this program will help you regain power over yourself and help you make the best decisions for you.  Food will be less of a mystery and more of a joy. This program will help you find more peace and ease in your relationship with food, while receiving community support from others with similar struggles. 

You will learn common sense strategies to feel more in control of what and how you eat. Learn to be kinder and gentler to yourself around food. There are no diets, no restrictions, and no shame. The group is small to encourage support, sharing, and success!

During our weekly Zoom classes you will learn how to eat to support your health and well being, and how you relate to food and to yourself. Discover the messages that are holding you back, and the beliefs that make you eat when you are not hungry. Learn to control your behaviors without shame or judgment. Discover how to make choices best that support your body and mind, and nourish your whole being.

Price: $240, Limit 5 people

Please click the button below to register. I am so grateful for you!

Reach out by email with any questions, [email protected] 
The next group begins Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 7:30pm ET

"Anyone who would like to engage with a knowledgeable leader and like-minded women about ways to think about our healthy and not-so-healthy mindsets related to food would get a lot out of this program. Janine fostered a supportive environment where we felt comfortable to share the "stuff" — patterns, experiences, fears — and provided practical ways to shift our beliefs and behaviors. I'm excited to have a more informed perspective on how yogic principles can be applied to food and have been able to apply them to other aspects of my life."~K.P.

The course allowed me to look at my relationship with food from a totally different perspective. I recognize now *why* I want to eat when the why isn’t about hunger. The coping strategies were insightful — especially pausing and looking in before taking that first bite and the stress reduction approaches.~R.B.