Get instant access to two value-packed free workshops to help you step into your true soul work & create potent offerings that meet the evolving needs of the world this year...
We pull together some clues on who you are here to be and the true soul role you are here to play in the collective.
Getting clear on this bigger role helps you let go of ways you have been overgiving, overfunctioning and pretending to be less than you are.
When we acknowledge who you are, you can begin to use your energy, ideas and soul gifts in ways that light you up and also serve others.
This is about stepping into your leadership, honouring all that life has taught you and valuing your wisdom enough to share and be recognised for it.
Step one is to know who we truly are and what the work is that we're here to do in the world.
Step two is knowing how to translate that into offerings that meet people's needs, make sense and allow you to make good money!
We examine how you can take your big ideas and ground them into offerings that make sustainable sense to you and delight your audience, without watering down the power of your magical, transformative work.
These workshops are an introduction to my work and to my transformative year-long programme, The Return, which starts 20th May.
For wise women, healers and mystics who want to create transformative and visionary work in the world.