November date to be announced!

Live Group Event

Half-day virtual session with two of the K9 Spirit guides. Learn who they are, what benefit they serve you, why they might show up with your dog or in a healing session,  and what healing and wisdom they have to offer. A live healing session will be done with each guide during the event!



Two powerful benevolent angelic guides will be joining the group during this event. Anthea and Öskar are the most prevalent K9 guides for a reason and you will understand this by the end of our time together. 



12pm New York/ 5 pm BST

Experience the angelic healing, wisdom, and peace of two powerful 

K9 spirit guides in this one day event!

Get to know the spirit guides who might be working with you through your dogs! 

In this one of a kind, special group event, I will bring them to you!

These are the K9 spirit guides introduced to the world in my book!

In this unique group event you will experience 2 of the K9 spirit guides in an intimate, virtual setting!  And you will get to ask questions about these guides and how they work!

I introduced these unique guides and their healing abilities in my book, "K9 Spirit Guides".
I will bring Anthea & Öskar to you energetically so that you can experience their benevolent, loving, supportive energy for yourself!

Each guide will have specific words of wisdom for the group and will share a unique experience designed to assist all of you in moving forward on your journey!

This group emersion in divine healing and angelic energy will bring you closer to fully connecting with yourself! It will allow you to see where you need their help and if you allow they will  assist you right then and there! This experience will elevate your  healing and deepen your peace and overall understanding of who you really are!

You will feel the beautiful, loving, all-knowing energy of these benevolent servants who wish to help humanity heal and move us into a higher consciousness!  You won't want to miss it!

Up until now I have been speaking about them.

In this special ceremony I will be channeling directly from them.

Come and receive a very special gift from the K9 spirit guides!

Be the first group in the world to receive them simultaneously!

Register today for your spot in my special group event!

If you have wondered who these guides are,

if you have read my book and you are eager to connect with them yourself,

if you know you need healing and you want to receive the gifts they have to offer,

if you have questions or are curios about these K9 guides,

then don't miss this event!

"Heather's psychic channel is one of the purest, cleanest, and (most) accurate I have come across in a long time. The (K9 spirit guides) trust her with their most precious teachings, and they trust her to share them with you directly, untainted, and unfiltered..."

Clayton John Ainger, The Congruent Mystic

This is an incredible opportunity to work with the guides! Heather Leigh has been conducting private healing sessions with these K9 spirit guides for months, and their healing capabilities far exceeds anything she has seen before. 

So, join her live for a special opportunity to learn more about them and receive their energy!

There are limited seats available! So register early and arrive early to be sure you have a seat in the room! 

Live participation is highly recommended!
You will be able to ask questions.

Reserve your spot on TBD at 12pm- 4pm EDT in this very special group now!

See your time zone here

This is the first event of it's kind ever in the world!

Your Presenter and Channel

Heather Leigh Strom  Galactic K9 Channel

She wrote the book that brought this information through for the first time in the history of mankind. Information that we have never understood about our dogs before. This is new knowledge and understanding that we have never before had access to! Humanity is embracing a new awakening, a new calling, a new dimension where we have access to new skills, new tools, and new abilities. The k9 guides are here to help us access and perfect these new abilities by facilitating the first step - healing. We must heal ourselves individually before we can heal as a race - the HUMAN race.

What makes Heather Leigh qualified to receive these messages and to deliver them to humanity?

At the moment she is the only one that these entities will work with. They have charged her as their spokesperson, liaison, and guardian. She has always held this position with them, but was only just recently "activated" as she awakened into her true mission here on earth!

It was through the healing that these guides provided for her through a very fast transformation and awakening process that she began to remember and reconnect. It was like putting on a pair of old jeans and feeling completely transformed into someone else! The fog lifted and she remembered who she really was and the work she was meant to do here on earth with these healing entities!

She has always had a special connection with dogs. Her life includes a long history as a dog trainer, dog breeder, multiple dog sport competitor, and even a veterinary assistant. She has owned 30 personal dogs amidst countless other canine interactions. These guides were always speaking to her and sometimes she even heard them. She just did not know what it meant until she was recently awakened!

Her book introduces these guides, how they worked with her to clear her lifetimes of pain, blocked energy, and realigned her energetically enabling her to step quickly and easily into this role. These guides now offer their incredible healing, love, and wisdom to humanity through her. She has channeled their healing frequencies into healing session with her clients and witnessed some powerful transformations right before her eyes! She will be bringing these possibilities directly to you!

She and Gigi are here to deliver the incredibly powerful healing tools these guides have to offer. Everyone is capable of remembering who they are and why they are here if they so choose. Everyone is capable of incredible, deep, and complete healing if they so choose. These guides will deliver the tools and the means which you require, just like they did for Heather Leigh!

Don't miss this incredible opportunity of healing and connection! 

Join me TBD at 12 noon EDT / 5 pm BST!



Anthea is a beautiful feminine energy offering to connect you to your divine self-love and joy.

Using the cunning and power of her cheetah and the overt joy and self-love in the golden retriever she zooms in on areas that inhibit you. These blind spots hold you back from blooming into the real, enlightened, divine version of yourself. 

She releases tags of betrayal, persecution, self-doubt, and inadequacy to free you into higher vibration. 

Her sessions are always vibrant, loving, encouraging, delicate, and healing!


Öskar is a quiet masculine guardian offering to protect and activate your divine power and voice.

He is a unique energy that stands quietly in the background. But when he is needed, his energy is strong, confident, and precisely action decisive. 

His authoritative lion energy lends you courage and confidence where your need it.  The lions voice travels for miles and so he will enable your voice to do the same. The willing coon hound is peaceful yet decisive as well.  He knows when to follow his own path and speak his own truth.  

This guide focuses on removing blocks that prevent you from speaking up for yourself, feeling confident in who you are, and acting in your own best interest.  

His healing sessions are very powerful, cleansing, and thorough and not to be taken lightly.  He can move a lot of energy and a lot of stuck energy making immediate improvements in energy, focus, and clarity in his charges.  His sessions are very powerful! 

Don't miss this incredible opportunity of healing and connection! 

Join me TBD at 12 noon EDT / 5 pm BST!

Do you have a special dog in your life?

Do you wonder what your purpose is here on earth? You feel like there's something specific you are meant to do but can't figure out what?

Do you struggle to let go of and recover from painful events?

Do the same experiences just keep recycling in your life (bad luck, accidents, bad relationships) only they keep getting more intense?

Do you prefer to be alone and really don't care much to be around other people?

Have you always known that dogs were angels sent here to help humanity?

Have you been suffering from repeated health issues, injuries, or accidents?

Has your heart been broken by someone or by an event that you just can't seem to recover from?

Do you have a dog in your life that is especially problematic, challenging all your resources and patience?

Are you just frustrated that nothing seems to be going your way? You just can't get ahead or a leg up in life?

These are common messages the K9 spirit guides address!


Peace and Grounding

Working with the K9 guides always brings a sense of total peace and connectedness! They commonly funnel in an abundance of calm and trust that many of my clients have struggled to find on their own.

New Understanding

This experience will lay a foundation for a new understanding of the bigger picture. You will see your dog(s) in a whole new light. You will suddenly understand the connection between you and your dog and your dog and all of humanity !


You will gleam the ease of access to critical knowledge and healing that may be currently impeding you on your journey to self-actualization. Your frustration with life will dissolve when you experience the ease of removing your obstacles the K9 guides offer.


This experience will ignite a new desire from deep down inside your soul. A desire to know and understand more about yourself, to connect deeper with yourself, and to understand your next step towards spiritual awareness!

Don't miss this incredible opportunity of healing and connection! 

Join me TBD EDT / 5 pm BST!