For women who are ready to do the work to release the past, reconnect with themselves, and redesign their future to create the life they truly deserve.

It’s time to finally release everything that’s been holding you back all these years, rise from the ashes and soar!

Let me guess…

  • You’re tired of putting everyone else first.
  • You’re exhausted from being the good girl, people pleaser, perfectionist, and doing everything for everyone. 
  • You feel like you’ve lost yourself, and you wonder if this is ‘it’ for you.
  • You struggle in your relationship to feel connected, heard and understood, and you’re tired of trying to fix it on your own.
  • You’re wondering if you should stay and keep trying to make it work, or leave.
  • Guilt keeps you staying in situations that you know aren’t what you deserve, and you suck at boundaries!
  • You’ve been people pleasing for so long, you’ve forgotten what it even means to ‘put yourself first’.
  • You’re tired of feeling unhappy, lost, stressed, burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed
  • But you’re in so deep you can’t see the way forward

And you want...

This program is designed to guide you through the work to finally be free of guilt, self doubt, self hatred, fear, overthinking, people pleasing and frustration.

So that you can….

❤️‍🔥 Know what healthy relationships look like, and how to create them

❤️‍🔥 Set boundaries like a bad ass

❤️‍🔥 Know your worth and how you deserve to be treated

❤️‍🔥 Design your parenting style based on your connection to yourself

❤️‍🔥 Have a strategy for moving through the areas where you’re stuck

❤️‍🔥 Have action steps you can apply for the rest of your life

❤️‍🔥 Finally feel free, happy and confident

Women Rising Modules:

Module One: Awaken

We start off with a bang and get right into creating awareness around what may be holding you back. Get clear on your comfort zones and patterns, why they exist, and how they are showing up for you!

Module Two: Uncover

You will be learning about your subconscious mind and the impact it has on your life! Get clear on why your mind is the big key to so much of your life experience, and how you can work with the mind to change your thoughts, emotions, actions and results.

Module Three: Empower

Learn how to create the beliefs that will drive your experiences. Discover your Inner Child and forge a deeper connection with her!

Module Four: Feel

We’re going deep into emotional regulation, why it might be hard to control your emotions, and what to do about it. Learn about the nervous system and why it’s key to how you feel. Let’s talk about anger….what to do about it and how to process anger in a healthy way!

Module Five: The ‘F’ Word

Yup…we’re talking about Fear! How to manage your fear so that it doesn’t run your life!

Module Six: Spirituality

What is your Inner Being? We’re exploring the depths of your soul, what it means to you, and I guide you into creating your own spiritual practice that will support your growth!

Module Seven: Trust

Self trust is the key to everything! You will learn what self trust really means, why it’s so important, and how to live so that you never abandon yourself again!

Module Eight: Believe

It’s time to create new beliefs that align with the truth of who you are! Let’s do it!

Module Nine: Body

Healing your connection with your body is critical to living a whole, complete, joyful life. I’m walking you through the process of falling in love with your body!

Module Ten: Desire

Awaken the part of you that has dreams and desires again! Get clear on what life holds for you, when you’re fully present and connected.

Module Eleven: Manifest

I’m giving you my powerful manifesting practice that you can do every day to make your desires a reality!

Module Twelve: Complete

We complete the program with reflection on your growth and transformation, celebration of your success, and a look forward at what’s next!


Module One: The Fence 

Get clarity on why you're sitting on the fence in your relationship, and understand the value of staying on the fence, and the danger when you sit there too long. 

Module Two: Staying

Do you need to stay in your marriage? Is it salvageable? Here's what you need to know to feel confident about staying and continuing to try and make it work.  

Module Three: Leaving 

Is it time to go? How do you know? Is the grass really greener? I'm giving you the tough love you need so that you can make a wise decision.

Module Four: What About the Kids? 

You want to make the right decision for the kids. It's time to get real about how staying or leaving will impact them, and what the right decision is for you and for them. 

Module Five: Get Ready to Jump 

Before you make the leap to either side, you need a toolkit. I'm giving you everything you need to jump wisely. 

Module Six: Nailing the Landing 

Now that you've made your decision, you need to make sure that you're ready for impact. Here's what you need to know. 

It's time for your GLOW UP! 

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3 Month Payment Plan


One thing I always say is I will never ask you to do something I haven’t done myself.

I’ve done (and still do) the inner work. I’ve walked it out over and over and I am living proof that everything you want is possible for you too!

There’s a reason why my clients keep coming back and working with me for years. Because they get results.

My clients have left toxic relationships, healed their marriages, found their confidence, started businesses, transformed their relationships with their children, lost weight, started setting healthy boundaries, healed their past, released trauma, found joy, inner peace and freedom, and are showing up in their lives bigger than ever, taking risks, discovering their purpose, and having a big impact in the world.


"I had come to the end of myself, I was experiencing deep exhaustion. I sort of woke up for a moment and thought I don’t actually have to live like this, and by chance Val seemed to magically appear. I listened to one of her podcasts and I felt a tingle of hope rising by what she was saying. Her words felt genuine to me, like she had truly walked what she talked.

I would say my biggest challenge has been over functioning, It led me to breakdown, I see this breakdown as a gift, a choice to reset, to change. Women rising for me was a framework; a safe container to go after a new path. I gave myself permission to invest in myself and my growth. I have come away with tools for when I feel completely overwhelmed. I feel like I can take a step back and look around to see some choices and choose what’s best for me. Plus I’m learning that it’s ok to not be ok, and that change takes time. Val is intuitive, she gets it, she’s been where we’ve been, she’s like a wounded healer of sorts. She has great compassion and understanding and knows deeply that change takes time and helped me settle into that idea that small shifts daily/weekly add up to big shifts in time. I couldn’t wait for the weekly teaching modules to come out. I was and am so ready and hungry for change. I’ll be going over the teachings often as we have them forever. Deeply grateful for Val and her inspiration."

— Nathalie

"Five months ago I had made a decision to leave my husband.

I was seized up with FEAR! Fear to take the steps I needed to move forward with my life and not remain STUCK!!! I was miserable and desperate to find a way through my misery to a better life. I just didn’t know exactly how to do this.

And then I found Val! I connected immediately with Val’s posts on IG, TT and FB, and loved her authentic insight. I just had this feeling that she would be able to guide me through my challenges. And I was right!

WOMEN RISING!!!!! I saw Val explaining this program over and over and I’m sure I thought of every excuse not to do it. I was certainly not in a position to spend any money at all.

How could I participate in a program like this in the midst of what had become a contentious divorce? I was emotionally drained, I was consumed with fear, resentment, anger, anxiety and exhaustion. I was in a state of hyper vigilance, of dysregulated emotions. I was suffering and wanted change. I needed help. I needed guidance. My thoughts kept returning to the Women Rising program that was about to begin. I dreamed of where I could be in just three short months. I took the plunge, I signed up! Best decision I ever made!!!!!"

"This was the amazing imagery that came to me last night when doing a session as a client with the amazing Valerie Jones! It was such a beautiful session where I allowed my inner teenager space to express herself and to get really angry at me to the point that she wanted to obliterate me. I knew that I am bigger than that and that I can hold those parts of me that are angry and hurt and allow them space and love. I could feel the energy that had been cut off and the part of me that was disempowered, reintegrate and transform and now I feel like Daenerys, Queen and Mother of Dragons. It feels amazing and like I can do or be anything that I choose! Loving all parts of us really does have huge transformative effects!"

— Donna M.

"Valerie brings her whole self to her work and always over delivers. She has a wealth of experience and is very generous. She offers tangible and practical strategies and guides you through step by step. Her process is incredible! She is fully IN - totally committed to her clients and makes herself available throughout the program should you feel stuck or need clarity. I learned where I was stuck and the tools I needed to move me to the next level!!! I gained way more clarity and am now applying what I learned on a daily basis. I was surprised how quickly things started to shift for me."

— Joely

"Working with Valerie has been a life-changing experience. She has the depth, knowledge and intuitive guidance needed to be a truly effective life coach. It is through being open and vulnerable with her that as a woman I have gained greater strength and courage in life and have begun to realize my fullest potential."

— Gillianne Richards, professional writer, CDC producer, radio and television personality

"Valerie’s Coaching has become invaluable to me in the past year. I will continue to work with her guiding me in my planned (and now begun) future endeavours. She is my modern day Shaman. Her work’s value far surpasses, for me, what I expected and I know this will stay with me for the years ahead."

— Kate, Australia

"Valerie is a passionate coach, committed to holding space for clients to explore, relect and envision new possibilities for themselves. Valerie used innovative coaching techniques to gently challenge me to take steps towards becoming my best self. As a coach, Valerie advocates for you and is always in your corner."

"I’ve literally learned how to be the leader of my own life. I found such value in her very open, honest, and intuitive approach. Many breakthrough experiences left me in awe at times. Valerie was and still is a life coach of mine but now our bond is deeper than that. Valerie is a lifetime friend!"

"Thanks to Val’s support and relentless pursuit of my truth, I have begun to cross over from living the life I should be living, to creating the life I want."

"I so appreciate your honest sharing and your ability to be vulnerable. I believe it’s what drew me to you in the first palace, because I WANT that. Working closely with you these last 6 months has changed my life in ways unimaginable to me. Thank you for showing us it’s ok."

"So far the best thing I’ve ever done for myself is join Women Rising. You are awesome. So much learning in a short space of time already."

"Working with you has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Val you are so very special."

"I can honestly say I feel different and more free in just 10 weeks of working with you. I feel hopeful and can see that I have choices. I’m not a victim of my situation."

"Val is special. An intuitive, strong, clear and compassionate human. She was able to tap in to exactly where I was at and then coach me to a place of understanding and deep reflection. She helped me find the path I needed to be on to feel free, empowered, settled and confident.

One of the greatest gifts I received from WOMEN RISING, this beautiful community of women who struggle like I struggle, was the gift of SAFETY. I felt safe enough to share my deepest pain, and in turn, I got the help I so desperately needed."

"Ladies, give YOURSELF the greatest gift and sign up for this program. You have the opportunity to create a better beautiful version of yourself and that is priceless!! ♥️ "

— Sheryl M

"With Val’s coaching, strategies, compassion and love, I’ve leveled up and I’m feeling excited and empowered as I journey toward my new life!!

So much gratitude for you Val 🙏🏻 🥰 "

"I came across Val on TikTok. I was intrigued enough to search out her podcast and was blown away. I listened to every episode back to back whilst away on vacation in California.

At the time, I was in a damaging relationship, feeling hurt, used and hopeless. However, the thought of beginning — yet again — was just so overwhelming. I felt like I was stuck. Listening to Val inspired me to believe that if she could start again, then I could too.

When I joined the Women Rising project, I hadn't realized how much of a perfectionist I was and how much that sabotages me from achieving my potential. It's only my saboteur as I soon learned during the programme. These realizations have been priceless. It's given me a measure to look at things differently.

Val takes no prisoners. She says it as it is and then some 😉 However, it's done with love and support, and with her encouragement to see in yourself what she sees in you. Personally, I needed the no bullshit approach to give me the kick I needed to propel me forward.

The group dynamic also worked well for me. I appreciated the other members' input and support, and it was a really helpful part of the programme.

I've come away from the course feeling so much more self-aware. I feel braver and stronger. I have tools to take me forward and a foundation on which to build. I often hear Val's voice in my head when my personal saboteurs start whispering in my ear!

The course is such a great foundation on which to launch yourself into the next stage of your life. If you're standing at a crossroads and you're not sure which way to go, may I recommend that you go towards the sign up page for WR — you won't regret it."

"Val appeared on my feed with a message that was so poignant it felt as if she was speaking directly to me. I was at a crossroads in life and desperate for clarity and the strength to rise to the challenges I was facing. I felt scared and alone. I took a deep dive into her content and learned that she was days away from launching a 12 week women’s empowerment program. I researched the program and it was exactly what I needed at the exact time I needed. It truly felt like Divine timing and reminded me of a quote, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

I joined the Women Rising 12 week course with several women, from all walks of life, from all around the world. The weekly modules and exercises were deep and thought provoking, designed to truly dig-in to our thoughts, behaviors, actions and reactions. I’m not going to lie… it was messy and often uncomfortable in the beginning. But it was necessary and part of the process.

Val often took a no nonsense approach during our weekly live zoom sessions and was able to help us identify our limiting self-beliefs and narratives/behaviors that were no longer serving us. She had the unique ability to get us to the root of the matter by simply asking questions and allowing us to come to our own conclusions based on the actual, factual truth. She was able to lead each of us to our own personal truths, which was different for all of us. She held us accountable and was quick to call BS with love and compassion. She provided us with tools and techniques to help us identify and analyze our situations and go beyond our feelings. She not only empowered us to trust ourselves, she gave us a blueprint to reinvent ourselves.

Every week I gained valuable insights and information and witnessed amazing transformations in myself and others. I’m so glad I found Val when I did and was able to participate in the program. I'm beyond grateful for access to the modules and exercises to revisit in my own time to continue my journey of self-love and empowerment. Plus, I connected with some amazing women along the way."

— Lola