Scarica il tuo workbook gratuito

Il capostazione di Tradate (Varese)

Contenuti del workbook

introduzione + un mio podcast inedito

una mappa

un articolo e un video dei ragazzi della scuola di Tradate

un consiglio di lettura

una attività per fare pratica di scrittura e/o parlato 

(instructions in EN as well)

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 Riceverai una email (controlla la cartella spam) con l'attività e una offerta speciale solo per te! 

When you sign-up, you agree to be added to my mailing list.

You will receive emails with stories to get inspired, exclusive material to practice your Italian, and much more about Italy to keep learning and exploring! Your e-mail address and data are safe with me, I will never share it or sell it to a third party. And of course, you can unsubscribe any time.

Ciao! I'm Giulia, an Italian teacher and a globetrotter.

I teach curious learners like you how to access history so you can improve your Italian and make new, meaningful connections.

I empower you to share your opinions on topics that matter to you and help you become the confident speaker you’ve always wanted to be.

Impara al tuo ritmo, la storia non scappa.