Hello and Welcome, I'm stoked you're joining The JOLO Journal (previously The Unplugged Woman Newsletter Family).
This space is where I'll be sharing about JOLO - The Joy of Living Offline, coaching love, and what's happening in my world. I like to think of it as a friendly letter landing in your inbox every Monday (but not in the spammy way - that's not my vibe).
In May 2023 I decided to take an intentional year off Instagram, it was life-changing and I absolutely loved it. After much deliberation and intentional consideration I returned to the Insta-sphere in May 2024 with an entirely new outlook on social media, all things social media self-care and living life beyond the scroll.
After years of being "The Unplugged Woman" there was a part of me that wanted to capture the essence of what I love to call JOLO, so made the Soul-led decision to energetically align with The Joy of Living Offline and do a loving shimmy away from "Unplugged". You can learn more about my decision in a letter I sent to community here.
In my weekly letters I often invite you to take some sort of beautiful action too.
This may look like ~
~ journal prompts
~ reflections
~ setting goals
~ sharing what's present for you
~ listening into an audio recording
As a Mama, you'll probably "meet" my daughter in the letters too. Her name's Kowhai (after Aotearoa/New Zealand's native flower, and also the colour yellow in Maori). She's a big reason and inspiration for doing what I do, and makes a pretty cute cheerleader/sidekick.
I look forward to connecting with you as part of The JOLO Journal and away from socials.
Here's to embracing the joy of living offline...your way!
Misty 💕