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Looking forward to seeing you LIVE on March 13th at 12pm PST.

Check your email for the calendar invite, access links and workbook!

This Masterclass is for you if you are a:

  • High Achieving working parent exhausted from constantly being pulled in a dozen directions.

  • Creative drowning in all the ideas, confused about what to focus on and afraid of choosing one idea, because - they're all too good!

  • Entrepreneur  with endless to-do's struggling to figure out what to focus on, because EVERYTHING feels like a priority and there's not enough time to do it all!

  • Heart Centered Leader that believes in the power of mother nature and the stars.  You're here to make a big impact but are lacking a reliable system to make your intentions a tangible reality.

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Looking forward to seeing you LIVE on March 13th at 12pm PST.

Check your email for the calendar invite, access links and workbook!

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You're all set!

Looking forward to seeing you LIVE on March 13th at 12pm PST.

Check your email for the calendar invite, access links and workbook!

Here's What You Get:

  • Access to the group training call where I will walk you through the EXACT step-by-step process

  • The Do Less Be More Quarterly Intention Setting Workbook

  • Access to private community group for accountability, Q&A support, and additional resources

  • Weekly 2 hour group focus sessions (so you can take action every week on those goals!)
  • PLUS! exclusive perks - like 50% off your first coaching session and complimentary access to Future Quarterly Masterclasses.

Your investment: $22.

Yes - I charge for this. Why? Because this isn't some sales webinar where I'll dangle carrots the whole time, leaving you frustrated that you wasted another hour on a webinar without experiencing  tangible results.

Your time matters and I'm not interested in wasting it.

This is a Masterclass Workshop - you will learn and apply the teachings - and you'll get all the tools to ensure you follow through FOR YOU.  

And hey - if you come to the class and DONT get the value you expected - I'll happily refund your $22.  I'm only here to make an impact - if what I teach you doesn't elevate you, then just email [email protected].

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You're all set!

Looking forward to seeing you LIVE on March 13th at 12pm PST.

Check your email for the calendar invite, access links and workbook!