How do you find more franchisees?

Where do other franchisors share operational documents with franchisees?

What's the best way to map out your territories?

What should and shouldn't your Manual include?

How do you monitor franchisee performance?

What ongoing support should you provide for your franchisees?

And many, many more!




This is YOUR membership! You’re in safe hands.

I have been where you are. I understand.

Franchising Made Easy provides you with a safe space where you can get all your franchising questions answered.

Shortcut your franchise business growth and get the support you need, whether you are just starting on the franchising road or have already got franchisees.

Going from SME to national brand and beyond comes with challenges as well as the wins.

Being an ambitious business owner in the franchise space can be lonely. I know! I've been there.

Who do you turn to for franchise specific advice?

How about when you want to celebrate signing up a new franchisee?

What about when you have tough decisions to make and need advice?



This is the membership you need that provides the support network and community so that you can grow your franchise business.

And all for the cost of a daily cup of coffee … not even with cake!


Royalties being paid in to your business every month 

✅ Waking up to an inbox full of enquiries from prospective franchisees

Changing people lives by giving them the opportunity to run their own business doing something they love

✅ Winning awards

✅ Helping many, many more people with your services or products.

✅ Seeing your business model running all over the country 

Enquiries coming in from abroad!

I am proof that you can do this with your business too.

But you can do it with expert knowledge on tap.

I’ve got a wealth of first hand industry information to share. I walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk. Since 2007 I’ve been studying the habits of successful entrepreneurs. I have even been coached and mentored by some of the world's leading business coaches and property developers including Mr Action Coach himself, Brad Sugars.

You never stop learning and learning should always be made fun! Death by powerpoint delivered by a monotone man in a grey suit is a no-no in my eyes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


This is what you need to support you while you build your franchise business to its full potential.

I know you’re a busy bee juggling running your business and having a life.

So I’ve made it easy for you.

Just take as much or as little from your membership as you need.

You can bombard the group with questions or you can just dip in and search for a key word. 

Set your intentions and be held accountableor just jump on the monthly Masterclass

If you can’t make the time the Masterclass goes out … that’s ok too. It’s there for you to watch when you’re ready - even if that’s 3am.


Every month, a video Masterclass becomes live for you. Here are some examples of the Masterclasses:

Franchisee Training Structure

Providing your franchisees with winning training structure and ongoing development. It will help them hit the ground running and support them in maximising their territory growth. The franchise fees they pay are the “bread and butter” money for your business and they grow the more your franchisees are successful.

Territory Mapping Options

Getting the right territory so you are not giving the franchisee too much or too little to work the model in is a fine balance … or curve ball - should you even map?!

Holding Discovery Days

Getting a group of potential franchisees together to find out more about how becoming a franchisee with your brand is one of the most popular routes to expediting recruitment.

Non Disclosure Agreements

Being a franchisor is all about protecting the brand. You need to make sure that you do not disclose any brand secrets. But what exactly should the non disclosure agreement contain, who should you get to sign it and when?

Onboarding New Franchisees

Bringing new franchisees on board with my tried and tested methodology is seamless and easy.

Your Franchise Vision

Having clarity on what the bigger picture is for your franchise is key to building the strategies to achieve your business goals.

Winning Prospectus Copy

Often the Prospectus is the first document a prospective franchisee will see that delves deeper into your offering. How to get the wording right with the correct information to leave them wanting more. First impressions count.

Using Blogs to Raise Your Franchise Brand Profile

Raising the profile of your brand through blogging is underrated. Trade secrets on how to maximise this secret weapon in ways you never thought possible.

Growing a Franchise Successfully

The bigger picture of where you are at, where you want to go and the steps in between will help keep you focussed whilst crystal clear on why and how to move your franchise forward whilst supporting your franchisees.

International Franchising

Dare to dream! What if you could? Where would you start and how would you make sure your brand is protected in a country you don’t even live in.

Using Google Adwords in your Franchise

Google Ads convert 50% better than organic traffic according to This masterclass is all about how to maximise this powerful tool to get the most out of it for your franchise.

Getting Potential Franchisees To Find You

Franchisee recruitment is often top of a franchisors list. My hacks to get in front of the right prospects will help you to hit your business growth goals as well as making your life easier because you attract people who are the right fit for your brand.

Franchising Made Easy Gives You ...


Mastermind Videos

that you can watch whenever you want!


Q & A Support & Expertise

Post as many questions as you want for support from me and your peers.


Exclusive Access

You instantly have people at different stages of their franchising journey being your best cheerleaders and business buddies in my exclusive Franchising Made Easy Facebook group.


Accountability & Brainstorming

Accountability to help support your franchise journey when ever you want it.

But you do not get 

OVERWHELMED because it’s

YOUR membership.

YOU choose how much or little you need to take from it.

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Annual Franchising Made Easy membership automatically upgrades you to VIP.


Instant Access to 5 Essential Masterclasses (RRP £1,685)

1:1 Strategy Call with Jo (RRP £497)

12 months of FRANCHISING MADE EASY membership (RRP £1,164)

If you are an ambitious entrepreneur who wants to take your business to the next level in franchising this option is for you.

Just imagine having training on every aspect of franchisee recruitment and onboarding that you need on tap.

You can just watch the bits you need as and when you need them.

That's exactly what you get when you're a VIP.

Let's take a closer look at your 5 essential Franchisor Masterclasses.:

1. JET Propelled Franchisee Recruitment (RRP £397)

🚀 Franchisee Recruitment Foundations

🚀 The Franchisee Recruitment Sales Funnel

🚀 The Sales Numbers

🚀 Your Franchisee Recruitment Marketing Strategy

🚀 National Marketing Budgets

🚀 Paid Marketing to Attract Franchisees

🚀 Free/Low Cost Marketing

🚀 How to Make it Easy for Your Prospects

🚀 Misfits

🚀 How to Build Your Action Plan

2. Dream Discovery Days (RRP £397)

Included: Step by Step Discovery Day Marketing Action Plan

🚀 The Pros and Cons of including Discovery Days in your strategy

🚀 Where to hold your Discovery Day

🚀 How to invite prospects so they attend

🚀 Exactly who should attend on the day

🚀 Preparing an informative presentation that will sell

🚀 Following up to max out the potential

3. How to Close a Franchise Sale (RRP £297)

🚀 How prospects think & feel

🚀 Helping prospective franchisees make the right decision

🚀 How you can partner with funders

🚀 Your essential tool kit

🚀 The practical steps you can take

4. Franchisor Sales Mindset (RRP £297)

Get your head in the game and boost your sales mindset in this powerful Masterclass.

Mindset is key to success. The only difference between the leaders of this world and you is their mindset.

Here you will find trainings on:

🚀 Franchisor imposter syndrome

🚀 Good habits you need to grow

🚀 Adapting quickly to change

🚀 Hacks to shortcut your success

🚀 People you need in your life

🚀 Processes you need to implement now

5. Successfully Onboarding New Franchisees (RRP £297)

Bringing franchisees on board with my tried and tested methodology is seamless and easy. Can't wait to share it with you in this Masterclass

Get this part of the jigsaw puzzle right and set your franchisees up for success and you will be laying the foundations for many years of happy franchisor/franchisee relationship to come.

Get it wrong and you will end up with disgruntled, promlematic franchisees who are rebelious and make your life tricky.

In this masterclass you will find training on:

🚀 New Franchisee Mindset

🚀 The Process

🚀 Launch

🚀 Ongoing Support

🚀 Evaluation

And what about that Strategy Call worth £497?

(You can claim it any time in the 12 months.)

In this high energy 90 minute intensive strategy call you will get my eyes on your business.

We will problem solve any challenges you are facing and leave you with:

1. Get clarity on your franchise vision

2. Understand how to achieve it

3. Prepare a defined plan of action to make it achievable

4. Build on your self accountability buzz points

5. Schedule in your success plan to make it happen