You want to make a serious impact in 2023 – and you need a successful business to make it happen…

You might already have a few tapping clients and are looking to grow into a thriving business, so you can serve more people...

Or maybe you're a really good EFT practitioner but business and sales feels too overwhelming, so you keep putting off building your dream business... 

Or maybe you you've tried a hundred times before, tapped through all your mental blocks and you know with the right support, you could create something that you would be life-changing...

The bottom line is:  you know in order to help more people (and to get more time back!)– you need to have a  successful business (aka vehicle for you to fulfill your purpose, change lives, and make money) and that sounds pretty daunting to do on your own…

Does that sound familiar?

If yes – Become Business Builder has been designed specifically for you. It’s our 6 month program that will walk you step-by-step through a building a successful EFT focused business that makes a real difference.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for a while (but feel like you don't know what you're doing!), Become Business Builder will take the guesswork out of sustainable, successful business so that you can help more clients, make more money, and keep growing consistently month after month. $10k months, anyone?

Is this the right program for me?



Become Business Builder is for you if you dream about making the world a better place. You've trained your whole life to really help people- like it's your purpose! You want everyone to know about EFT, Nothing lights you up more than helping people get real results and healing from their pain and distress. You love seeing your clients succeed.


You know that building an EFT business is the best vehicle for you to fulfil your purpose. But you refuse to do gimmicks or manipulative sales tactics. For you, business is an extension and expression of your values. Your business MUST be ethical and sustainable. It adds to your life, rather than takes over it!


You know that it takes a village to raise a child...and a team to build your business! You know you've got the skills to help people, but just need guidance and support to build the business side of things. You don't want just another cheap course that gives you generic advice, but real people and community keeping you on track, giving you personal support, and helping you actually implement what you're learning. You want a little less "manifesting abundance" and a little more, "let's make this happen, together".


You know you're here to help... but you just aren't doing it on the scale you dream of. You know that little voice that says, "perhaps if you do another certificate or learn another modality, then I'll FINALLY be ready!"... and you're over it. You know Clinical EFT works. You know now is the time to step into your purpose and learn the skills to build the business that empowers you to do that.


Business is a personal growth journey. Deciding to step up and do this will activate all of your ego's safety seeking behaviours; your "tail enders" and "writing on the wall". You're done with allowing your fears talk you out of achieving your dreams. This time, you might even be excited to finally meet and integrate these frightened parts so you can step up. You know that at times you'll meet resistance and sabotage, but you're committed to the end result of a successful business that changes lives. 

to sum things up real quick: Become Business Builder IS for you if you have an EFT coaching, counselling, service-based business AND you’re looking to grow to the next level of impact and revenue in 2023.

Does that sound like you? If yes – you’d be a perfect fit for Become Business Builder.

Pssst.... this program is not for you if:

- You just want to grow fast and not care about client delivery

- You're only in this for the money

- You're unreliable and make excuses about why you can’t build a business

- You want to exploit people for personal gain

- You don't really care about building a business that makes an impact

- Business is just a hobby for you


What will you learn?

 Nail Your Offering

In order to go to market and make sales, refining our offer has to be of utmost importance. We’ll help you find your niche and fine-tune your EFT offer so that your ideal people know what they are buying.

Master Ethical Sales

Love helping people but "hate sales?" What if sales wasn't about manipulation, but about communication and relationship? Learn how to audition and sell high-ticket sales effectively and ethically.

Build Your Audience

Develop your audience building strategy and start to build a pipeline of opportunity for your business

Easy Social Media

Content creation with purpose is the lifeline of every successful business. Learn to build authority and create content that converts into real clients.            

Strong Money Foundations

In order to run a business, you have to know how to work with money. We are going to cover setting up your bank accounts for your business and personal life so that these are separate for tax purposes and growing a business. Don't worry, we'll tap through money blocks, too!

Trust Your Intuition

Business is a journey of self-discovery and service. Not only will you be learning practical, foundational tools for creating a successful business, you'll also be learning to step into your authority, to trust yourself, and make a difference.                                                                                                                                                                    

Let’s take a moment. Drop into your body. Tap and breathe... and tune into how it would feel once you graduate from Become Business Builder…

What did you notice? How did it feel?

 WITH Become Business Builder you'll get....


Imagine knowing that every day you are making a real difference in the lives of individuals. Imagine that difference rippling out to their family, friends, and everyone they meet. Through you building a thriving business, you have made a powerful difference in the world. Your inbox is filled with thank you notes and testimonials.


Imagine checking your calendar and seeing that it is booked out for the next month or two. You've set your own schedule, working when you want and still have people asking to work with you. Your clients are referring people to you. You're not running yourself into the ground and you've figured out the right client load and pricing. You take time off when you want and can work from wherever. You're in control of your schedule! 


Imagine knowing exactly what to do to turn your business idea into reality. You no longer dread or procrastinate on the next steps to take. You're confident in your ability to sustain and run a profitable business. You've got simple systems in place to make running a business easy so you can focus on what you love doing-helping others!


Imagine opening up your bank account each week and having more than enough money?! Trust me, it’s possible and Become Business Builder will hold your hand each and every step of the way. Imagine feeling comfortable charging and receiving money for your work? Imagine having the luxury of gifting sessions because you have an overflow of cash? Imagine knowing how to make money work for you, rather than simply working for barely enough money.


We’re going to help you create deep trust in your ability to create a business you love. We'll work together to listen to your innate, embodied intuition so you know what to do in every situation. You'll see building a business as a way to build your nervous system capacity, to trust your own wisdom and apply it to every area of your life.

If you’re ready to leave behind guess work, procrastination, and self-sabotage and finally build the business of your dreams – it’s time to enroll in Become Business Builder.


How will this program help you?

Monthly Topics

Month to month trainings around content to generate new business and how to close sales along with access to our Business Builder Portal.

Weekly Q&A

Weekly live webinar trainings + Q and A sessions with our business experts. Either attend live or watch the replay.

Community and Accountability

Private community for further help and assistance from our Business Mentors Claudio & Jobe along with 1hr of "Active" implementation each week.

1:1 Support Sessions

We know that building a business also requires building the nervous system! Fortnightly sessions with EBEFT Trainer Mitch Gainey to stay focused and tap through blocks that come up

EFT Supervision

Access to Mitch for EBEFT Mentoring and Client referrals

Our Guarantee

Our guarantee is that if you implement weekly for 30 minutes with our training, and 1hr a week with implementation, you will get your next high-ticket sale thanks to us.*


What people say about us


Who will be supporting you?

Meet your team! We are taking all of our hard earned business lessons and sharing them so you can avoid the mistakes we made and succeed from the beginning

Mitch Gainey is an EBEFT Trainer and founder of the Become Project. Mitch has gone from being a youth worker to international trainer and business owner in 5 years.

Mitch will be using deep listening and EFT to help you set goals aligned with your unique nature and purpose and deal with common blocks that get in the way of building a business.

Claudio Conte is the founder of Spiral Orb Designs, a Business Growth and Design Agency as well as co-founder of ECO. He is an Entrepreneur of 11 years, and has built 5 brands from the ground up.

Claudio's focus is to to make your brand stand strong in your market while making sure you are priced correctly, and manage your revenue as you continue to earn more.

Jobe Neal is the founder of Digital Difference Makers (DDM), a Marketing Consultancy and Agency Hybrid as well as co-founder of ECO. He first started in business 6 years ago when he grew multiple 5 figure per month e-commerce Brands.

Jobe will teach you content marketing and sales process to bring in more clients and convert more sales to earn more income.

Our guarantee is that if you implement weekly for 30 minutes with our training, and 1hr a week with implementation, you will get your next high-ticket sale thanks to us. If you still have not made any sales within 12 weeks, you may continue to work with us for free until you do. YOU MUST schedule and complete 1.5hr a week for this guarantee to remain active and is tracked within our group. We want you to succeed and will make sure you do!

I get it. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on coaches and courses hoping they had some secret sauce that would make me succeed. And while many of them gave great information and even inspired me...none of them actually *helped* me do it. What actually helped was 1) working with someone who really got my vision for business, my unique gifts, and helped worked through my individual fears and 2) working with people who had actually built businesses and would commit to helping me do the practical business "stuff" I didn't understand and would avoid. This program does both. We dive into mindset, tune into your unique vision AND we help you make that living reality through practical, actionable steps and accountability.

It just means your realise business is important and needs care! But don't worry. You'll have Claudio and Jobe make "business" really easy to understand and action, and helping you start with the foundations and essentials. You'll also have Mitch working with you to deal with your fears and resistance and helping you tune into your intuition and purpose. Trust me, you have a great support team and community waiting for you!

No, you can start building your business before you have finished the accreditation. The incredible EBEFT accreditation created by Dr Peta Stapleton gives you the tools to become a world-class practitioner of clinical EFT. It also gives you the tools to work through any mindset blocks, but it is not a business training platform. Mitch will also offer mentoring and practice clients to help you complete your accreditation.

No, we work with people with all different passions and desires. EFT might be just ONE tool in your toolkit that you offer and not the "main thing". We can help you bring your business dream to reality no matter what you do!

Our next launch date will be the Monday 16th of January 2023 Our onboarding call will be at 3.30pm Melbourne AEDT. On this call you will be given your custom-roadmap formula and have the opportunity on how to best use the program for your revenue-generating needs. This call will be lead by both Claudio & Jobe. You will also have the choice to book your first 1:1 with Mitch from the 5th January or wait until launch week :)

Quite a lot! You will have fortnightly 1:1 calls with me where we will deep dive into your unique nature and purpose, making space to discern what your heart longs to create, and dealing with the "writings on the wall" and "tailenders" that get in the way when we try to grow and expand. You will also be invited to a monthly deep listening circle with other participants to practice your EFT and Intuitive Listening skills. You also be able to text Mitch in between sessions

You will have Weekly Webinar Workshops that run Wednesdays 11am AEDT Melbourne time for 20-30 minutes This session can be attended live or watched as a replay. You may also ask questions live on the call, and there will be an opportunity to have them answered after the training. If you cannot make the session, you'll be required to book in a time on the Wednesday to watch the replay. Any questions you have you MUST comment #REPLAY and ask your question. This let's Claudio and Jobe know to attend back to your question to provide answers and solutions on what you require inside of our group community. As a bonus You'll be able to post additional questions directly into our group to have both Claudio & Jobe work with you more directly

The program is an investment of $5997 AUD. We called it an investment rather than a cost because we expect you to get a return on your investment. If you use the code "FRIEND500" you will save $500. We also have payment plans available. Contact Mitch to discuss.

                                                                Use "FRIEND500" to get $500 off the price!

                                                                                 BECOME BUSINESS BUILDER

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been trying to grow an existing business, Become Business Builder will take the guesswork out of successful business so you can serve more clients, make more money, and make the difference you dream of. Are you ready?                                                                    

                                                                  Investment: $5, 997 AUD

                                                    Sign up now and use "FRIEND500" to get $500 off the price!

Need a chat?

Book a call to find out more or arrange payment plan

A Word From Your Team:

This not another program that starts off by selling you the "number one tactic to bring in 100's of leads", or "let's make $30k in 30 days!" Because let's face it, if all of those programs worked, nobody would be having the issue of struggling to build a business. And yet, most people do!

There are many mistakes to avoid when building a business, such as:

  1. not identifying yourself as a business person
  2. not being priced correctly
  3. investing in the wrong things to grow a business (especially if you are still new),
  4. not having a clear business plan or sales process.

Ultimately, we will be building your mindset up into the person who not only has consistent monthly business coming in, but can begin to head towards growth and serving more people.

The reality is, no business is built without sales, and if you do not love sales, we are here to change that.

Take a moment now to think about the process of selling your services. Any tension or resistance? Take a moment to tap on that.


It 's only in truly facing these scared, resistance parts that don't feel good enough that we can truly get the results we want. No more playing small!

Business-building is about having a strategy and focusing on what works best for you, your business and the way you sell vs the actual technical tactics.

We bring you Become Business Builder because we want you to step up, and step into the business owner who builds a consistent, profitable business that makes a difference.

We know investing this amount can be scary (trust us, between us we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in business development!). Again, take a moment, tap on the fear, and trust yourself to make the right decision. We want you to succeed!

We look forward to having the opportunity to build your business with you.

Mitch, Claudio, and Jobe.