“I don’t know what’s going wrong Suzanne, but my life just feels so messy and hectic! I feel like I’m treading water and not getting anywhere."

"I’m constantly busy, and I’m working so hard … at work and at home, but even after all that I’m still not getting ahead. Things just seem out of control!"

"My brain is in overload and I can’t make it stop, even at night when I try to go to sleep. And I feel like something is holding me back but I don’t know exactly what. "

"There’s some things haunting me from the past that I’d thought I’d let go but they just keep popping up, usually at the most inappropriate times. They’re robbing me of my energy and peace of mind."

"And to be honest, there’s also a bit of anxiety and some fear. What if I’m not good enough? Maybe I don’t deserve to be happy?"

"Then I get angry and frustrated when I see people around me relaxed and enjoying life but it doesn’t seem to happen for me! What if things don’t improve and this is all there is?"

"I’m just so tired and the brain fog is getting worse. This is a bit too much, I know now that I need some help!”

So here’s the great news! I can be that person to help you break free quickly from the stress and frustration plus getting some care and support, joy and balance back into your life!

Time is precious so I’ve done the research and training to provide you with the very best therapies and practical tools to get you back in control and after 25 years of helping thousands of people, I will assist you in the quickest way possible to escape the chaos and to find your peace and calm.

Here’s how you are going to take back control of your life! 


Four extended, 90 minute (or longer if you need) master-crafted sessions with me via zoom or telehealth from the comfort of your own home or office. 

With one session a week, you will see massive improvement within the month. However, if you need change in a hurry, we can get you back in charge in just one week. You choose and I will make it happen!


The first step is taking a clear inventory of where you are right now—what's happening in your life, what's truly important to you, and what isn’t.

Together, we’ll create a genuine outline of your priorities—not based on what others expect, but what matters to you. It’s essential to measure where you're starting so we can clearly see the progress you've made by the end.   

Through this process, we'll uncover what's been holding you back, how your past may be influencing your present, and what's stopping you from becoming the person you want to be.  

Then, we’ll clear all that out for good, addressing the top issue causing you the most stress right now using the best tools in my arsenal.


    In this second phase, we remove any other issues and emotional baggage that has been holding you back, stealing your happiness. You will let go of any anger, fear, sadness, grief, hurt or shame.  

    These negative emotions also rob your energy so when they are gone, you feel like a load has been taken off your shoulders. You start to feel lighter and energised! 

    You will be further supported and guided as you release any anxiety, limiting beliefs and self-sabotage because you are good enough and deserve the best!


       In this last phase, we start creating your beautiful future! You know now what you want and need out of life. You will have direction, focus and will be empowered with personalised practical tools and strategies to use at home.  

      Your energy, confidence and mental clarity will continue to grow and improve. Finally you receive a personalised, advanced hypnosis session to re-train your brain and consolidate all your improvements.  

      You are now free to enjoy your best life!

        The Break-Free Package is one-of-a-kind and incredibly powerful. I want you to hear firsthand the real-life impact it’s had on other women’s lives!

        These women are truly courageous. What they all had in common was the willingness and determination to make a change—and the decision to finally do something for themselves.

        To support you on your journey, I’ve put together some special extras just for you. 

        Curious what they are?

        1. Two free seats at my upcoming Surviving & Thriving 5 week online program for you and a friend (value $1,194)

        I’m offering this bonus because I’m committed to creating real change. 

        You and a friend are invited to join my Surviving & Thriving program - a personalised experience that evolves with every group.

        In just one hour a week for 5 weeks (or at your own pace with pre-recorded sessions), you'll master stress relief techniques, improve your sleep, and learn instant relaxation, with calming hypnotherapy sessions included.

        Think of someone in your life who’s just surviving—and get ready to let them know how they can thrive!

        2. VIP text and phone access to Suzanne during the Package (value $1400)

        Life can be full of surprises. If you need to connect with Suzanne, you will get priority and additional support during office hours.

        3. The Ultimate Pain & Stress Relief Affirmation Bundle (value $98)

        Re-train your brain and strengthen your mindset conveniently at home (or in the office) with already-done-for-you affirmation audios.

        That’s total bonuses to the value of $2,692!

        The Break-Free Package is very popular and being personalised 1:1, there are limited intakes each month. And the truth is that if you are already feeling tired and stressed, doing nothing is going to end up costing you everything!

        So what is your investment?

        For the next 24 hours, you can get $600 discount when you Pay in Full - right now $2,397! 

        Send me through a message saying BREAK FREE using the form below and I will be in touch with the next steps and your discount code.