Introduction to Lean Innovation for Associations


11am - 3pm eastern time

Introduction to Lean Innovation for Associations
This workshop is a live, interactive overview of lean innovation for associations. 

Launching a new product can be daunting. Lean innovation can help improve your association’s bottom line by enabling you to bring products to market sooner with fewer resources. Lean innovation focuses on efficiency by capturing customer feedback early and often; it prioritizes experimentation over elaborate planning, and celebrates continuous, incremental improvement. It is the ability to:

  • Identify new opportunities by employing design thinking.

  • Quickly (and with fewer resources) develop, prototype, learn, validate, and enhance new products by employing the lean startup method.

In this interactive workshop, we will address the following concepts:

  • Describe lean innovation.

  • Apply lean innovation using an association example.

  • Discuss customer-centric design + the importance of empathy.

  • Introduce the ‘build, measure, learn’ feedback loop.

  • Understand and apply minimum viable product + prototyping.

  • Apply lean innovation principles to create new value for your association.

Please join us!

Enhance Engagement

Make your association indispensable by creating a culture of longitudinal  connection and learn to monetize engagement.


Leverage underutilized value into new products that members want. Use these new products to build new revenue streams.


Utilize a repeatable product framework to unearth new ideas and develop new processes in order to reach new people.



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