Why join our community?

Is this community a fit for you?

You'll love it here if:

✅ You're a beginner who's actively learning React and web development and want to get expert advice specific to your situation.

✅ You're a giver, not a taker. You want to learn, but also help others by sharing your learnings, giving feedback and fostering a community.

✅ You're building (or want to build) a real-world web application and want to get feedback and guidance, so you don't get stuck.

✅ You want to start or develop your frontend development career, by getting advice and mentorship from professionals.

We won't vibe if you are:

❌ You're not interested in React, and you're not actively learning it.

❌ You're looking for a place to self-promote or sell something to other members.

❌ You're not willing to pay it forward and engage with others, but expect help and feedback on your own projects.

❌ You're not building, and don't want to build an app.

⬆️ If you've answered yes to any of the above, that's totally fine, but it means our community is not a great fit for you.