
Chris V.

Giulia is very knowledgeable about Italian history, places to visit, and points of interest, and she has a great way of sharing that knowledge, adding depth and excitement to our tour.

She is very warm, friendly, and personable and it is a pleasure to spend time with her.

Traveling with her is a fantastic opportunity to explore the North of Italy with a knowledgeable and delightful companion!



Katrin K.

First of all, Giulia made it very easy to explore: I didn’t need to plan and prepare at all, and not only she showed me all the “must visit” sites, but also a lot of places I would not be able to find by myself. 

And on top of this you made these places more “alive” for me by telling about their history, stories and traditions of past and present. 

Another thing I enjoyed a lot was getting to know some places from Giulia's own life, like your beloved village in the mountain.

I'd absolutely recommend visiting Italy with Giulia! 

Her love for Italy is very contagious and she made navigating through unknown places with a new language seem easy and fun. 

No stress, no worries, no anxiety which one usually has when comes to new places. 

And a lot of Italian practice, which, to my surprise, wasn’t hard at all and didn’t feel like I’m constantly on the lesson, but rather was very natural and fun.



Richard M.

Grazie infinite per una bellissima giornata nella tua compagnia con un giro perfetto della Villa e il Lago.
Sei così gentile!

E grazie per i libri con gli argomenti così personali!

Dai nostri cuori ai vostri un profondo grazie!

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