Support David Albans as we get ready to publish his latest book!

We want to keep you updated as we work towards launch, and share David's prayer requests and those from our team.

We would also love for you to partner with us, if you are able, to help cover the publishing costs. This support means that David is free to focus time and energy on writing, and we can produce the best book possible.

Both kinds of support are invaluable, and signing up through the website will give you access to regular prayer updates and exclusive offers from Broad Place Publishing.

Just tick whether you wish to support financially and/or with prayer support, and leave David Albans's name in the comments section. We will contact you within 24 hours to confirm you are on the newsletter list and to discuss any financial support you wish to make. (Please note, David will be aware you are praying, but your financial support will remain anonymous.)

We will let you know as soon as David's book is available to pre-order!