
Hi, I'm Dr Naomi Tyrrell, Founder and Director of Research Your Way Ltd. 

I left academia in 2019 (for the second time!) after 18 years moving up through the academic ranks! I now run multiple businesses flexibly around my family and run the Alt Ac Careers UK Facebook group. 

Sign up for my monthly career development newsletter for:

  • Academic career news
  • Careers information and advice
  • Knowledge and skills development
  • Tools and resources
  • Industry research
  • News, events and information

If you are ready for evidence-based career development advice and practical tips from someone who has been there, done that, then this is the newsletter for you!

  • Transitioning out of academia? 
  • Trying to progress in your ac or alt-ac career? 
  • Trying to get a better work-life balance? 
  • No idea what career you want? 
  • A researcher developer or academic wanting to support your students/staff? 
  • Needing support, encouragement and inspiration? 

It's for you!

Sign-up for my Career Development Newsletter Here
– flying into your Inbox every month!

Research Your Way

Research Your Way

Do you need some help with social research, learning, evaluation and impact? If so, you are in the right place. 

Research Your Way provides bespoke research and evaluation services for charities, social enterprises and businesses. We help you to collect, analyse and understand relevant data to maximise the impact of the amazing work you do.

Get in touch 

News & Views

2022 was a very busy year here at Research Your Way Ltd.
We carried out 21 projects for fabulous clients and delivered career development workshops and research methods training courses too.

If you need help with evaluation, research and/or impact, do get in touch for a chat. We’ve been using more of our geodemographic skills in recent projects so if you need someone who understand large datasets (like ONS produce) and how they can inform your services, we can help you.

Get in touch

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Dr Naomi Tyrrell Social Research Consultant; ICF Career & Impact Coach; Author

Find me on LinkedIn where I talk about  #coaching, #research, #mentoring, #evaluation, and #researchimpact