The Only Checklist You Need To Split Tasks Fairly and Equally Between Yourself and Your Partner...
... And finally free up some time for yourself!
Feel like you do the lion share of the house and childcare tasks?
When you ask for help your partner completes the task at a mediocre standard and after multiple reminders?
This checklist will help you change this once and for all. Keep on reading to find out how.
57% of working mothers say that they tend to take on more of the day to day child-caring responsibilities.
51% say they tend to do more of the housework than their partners.
Only 23% share it equally!
So hands up if you've ever felt like this...
The problem is that:
(1) many men don't realise the sheer number of tasks and actions that need to be completed;
(2) if they were willing to help, they never take the initiative and always wait to be asked;
(3) sometimes we, women, do the lion’s share of the chores cause we have mixed feelings about the idea of your spouse helping with the chores because of how he will complete them.
Now you have 2 options...
Keep doing everything at home and eventually (if not already) burn out.
Or ...
Get this tasks checklist, work your way through it with your partner and change things once and for all.
Cause when you create the tasks schedule together, you will both appreciate how many things need to be done on a daily/weekly basis and how long they take. You then both become owners of your tasks rather than he waits for you to ask him to do something.
Tips once you've downloaded it:
So are you ready to free up some of your time and finally get some help with the house and childcare tasks?
After submitting your first name and email address you will get instant access to the checklist You can then view it and save it on your device.
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