Tell YOUR story, 

YOUR way

and give purpose to your pain.

🖊️ Has anyone ever told you that you should write a book?

🖊️ Have you, time and again, written "Write a book" on your bucket list or vision board?

🖊️ Do you have knowledge, wisdom, and experience that you know could help others in this world?

🖊️ Do you ever wish that there had been someone to tell you what you know now when you needed it then? Have you ever thought you could be that person for someone else?

🖊️ Have you ever lost someone and regretted that they didn't have the chance to write their life story or experiences before they passed away? 

✨ If you said "Yes!" to any of those questions above, you are in the "write" place! ✨

Transform your story into your legacy!

A 6-month journey from blank page to a draft filled with purpose, clarity, and your unique voice.

So, what does the program actually include?

The 6-Month Soul Script Coaching Program is designed to get you started, ready, and on your way to publishing your book! Whether you are a new writer, or you've been at this for a while, if you are ready to work with me and put in the time, you will walk away with at least a manuscript draft you are proud of and a clear trajectory for what to do next to take your story those final steps towards publication!

PILLAR 1: In the first part of the program, we focus on refining your message and outlining your story idea to transform it into a powerful book concept that will engage your readers with intention.

PILLAR 2: The next part of the program focuses on offering you support, accountability, and guidance as you navigate your first draft. My aim is to not only enhance your skills as a writer but also to empower your words. All this, because your readers need your message.

PILLAR 3: The final piece of this program deals with the challenges one can encounter when learning to embrace your power and voice as a writer, especially when delving into past experiences that may be difficult to confront. Throughout the 6-month program, my focus is on providing support for any emotional healing you may need while facing  demons from your past. I am here to help you develop the skills and strategies necessary for your book to not only tell your story but also heal the wounds and scars, and the weariness of carrying your untold story that has accumulated over time. 

Soul Script Coaching is about empowering you to give purpose to your pain while healing yourself so that you can heal the world.

Soul Script Coaching is about life, living, and transformation.

Soul Script Coaching is about not having to go through this journey alone.

☺️ A Little About Me... ☺️

and where my own story has taken me.

I have been down many roads, but these are the paths that led me to become a book coach:

  • ✨Lifelong reader, writer, and creative 
  • ✨High School English teacher & Instructional Coach for 12 years
  • ✨Published as a contributor of teacher textbook, "Practicing What We Teach," (Schmidt, Lazar)
  • ✨In the final stages of publishing my own memoir, "The Blue Sock Club"
  • ✨ writer and freelance editor
  • ✨Life Coach at Horizon's Light Coaching & Consultation
  • ✨Dancer, Furmom (x4), and Survivor

And now... book coach! Here to help you use words to heal, inspire, and empower! <3 

Thinking about it, but still need some time?

Join our Facebook Group, Soul Script Writing Circle, in the meantime!

In this community, we learn, grow, and write together!

We have weekly silent writing sessions for accountability, tips and knowledge shared through posts and lives, fun events and challenges and more! It's the positive community that will keep you motivated, inspired, and ready to get that book written!

Here you'll join a fabulous group of writers who are here to see and be seen, to listen and be heard, to understand and be understood... to empower and inspire the world around them as writers, leaders, and changemakers - even if that world is just themselves, just their family and friends, or the world as a whole. Because what we know through the Law of Attraction is that as one person does the work towards healing, the frequency of the entire world is elevated through that light.

Join today and get your free guide: "5 Easy Steps to Get Started on Your Memoir!"

Do you have more questions?

Please don't hesitate to reach out and send me a message!

I look forward to hearing from you! :D 


Don't forget to join our 

Facebook Group!

Soul Script Writing Circle: From Ashes to Ink