"A magical story of self-discovery with a touch of apocalyptic drama." 

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Echo: The Curse of the Blackwood Witches

Imbued with all the thrilling action and marvellous magic, Echo: The Curse Of The Blackwood Witches is a riveting and unforgettable New Adult read that will sweep you up and refuse to let you go. Grab your copy today!

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New Adult

Urban Fantasy

The Chosen One

(With a Twist)

Magic, Mayhem, Redemption, and Retribution

Book Description:

Echo Blackwood has no idea she’s a witch, but after supernatural beasts attack her sister’s wedding, she discovers her long-dormant magic, and she’s quickly catapulted into an impossible war.

The novice witch is the only one who can stop the immortal Jivar—but her magic hides a sinister secret. The dark arts run through her veins, and using their power could cost her soul.

Desperate to control her magic and uncover the truth about herself, Echo and her newfound allies must race against time to defeat Jivar before he unleashes his fury and destroys the world.

Can Echo use the powers of evil to save the world? Or will fighting fire with fire only end in her ruin?