Bone Search & Discovery: An Introductory Short Course

What is included:

  • What bones look like in a surficial outdoor context
  • Why bones in a surficial outdoor context may scatter / disperse
  • Tips to help searchers discover more remains and items of potential forensic evidence in surficial outdoor settings
  • A definition of context and why it’s important
  • Two videos (approx. 1 hour in total) and one workbook

What is not included:

  • There are many ethical implications of using photography of human remains. One such implication involves the inability to control the use of the photograph once it has been released. As such, this course and any future courses will not include photographs of actual human remains. See this article for more information:
  • This course focuses on searching for and recovering items of potential forensic evidence, including bone. This course does not include information or instruction on distinguishing human and non-human bone.
  • The course is focused on building awareness rather than capacity. If you are looking to build on your existing searching skills or you wish to build capacity in another new area (ie, cremains), please let me know. It may be possible to build a course to your needs.
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Introduction to Bone Search & Discovery

This is an entry-level introduction for civilians, physical anthropology students, and new law enforcement members. This course focuses on the context of outdoor surficially-dispersed remains: what to look for, how to look for it, and where to look.

99.00 CAD

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