What is The Goddess Effect?

In our book it’s two things.

First it’s what happens to you when you begin to realise how amazing you are; when you step in to your true self and activate the blueprint of your divine soul essence and become who you came here to be. It’s what happens when you let go of past hurts, doubts and anxieties of what happened and what might still happen that  keep you small and rob you of your dreams.

Secondly, it’s the method we teach you to achieve all of the above and more… 


Never second guessing your decisions or doubting your worth. 

Loving yourself and shining your light in the world with utter faith in your abilities.

Finally reaching your potential and having the tools to reset your energy frequency at any time.

Knowing unconditionally that you are loved and deserving of all you desire.

Standing in your power as the divine feminine here on earth, the way the universe intended. 

Why are we so hell bent on YOU achieving all of this?

That’s a huge question and the short answer would be “why wouldn’t we and why aren’t you?”

The long answer is that we literally can’t help it. Apologies for the cliche and also claiming it for our sisters but we are on a mission from Goddess. 

We know that through her we can uplift all our sisters now and for generations to come. We can create a world where women receive the respect and abundance they so rightly deserve. We know that it is She who will guide us and hold us all as we move forward into a new era of global consciousness where we understand we are all connected and nobody is better than anybody else. She will show us we are all worthy and valuable in our own unique way and that we need not live in fear or doubt ourselves in any way. 

We also know that She is YOU!

That’s right. All of this can be achieved once we women step into our greatness and leave behind all the conditioning, imprints and trauma of our own pasts and that of those that came before us. 

The only way to do this is to change your energy. There is no other way to go as deep as quickly or to be as empowered to create change. 

Because this is the truth of it - there is no separation between us and our Divine Soul, All That Is, Source, the Big Cheese, whatever you want to call that thing that is bigger than yourself (only it isn’t) It’s not “out there” imposing its will on us from on high. It’s not a set of rules laid down by some ancient geezer that somehow made the people who are responsible for creation itself into something small and insignificant. Nothing could be further than the truth - we are literally made of the same stuff as the cosmos just like the planets, and, yes - god(dess). 

All the answers to every question you could ever ask and problem you need to solve lie within you but you don’t know how to access it.  We can’t do it for you but we can show you how

So, I’m a Goddess? Yup and we know this because you…

  • Are a woman who is ready to go to the next level but not sure how.
  • Have a niggling feeling there has to be more to it than this (even if you seem to “have “ everything on paper)
  • Are willing to learn and get a bit uncomfortable so you can move out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone.
  • Want more out of life, work, love and play and are looking for ways to create achieve this.
  • Know there are things “you don’t even know you don’t know” about your inner self but you know you need to find them out - and fast!
  • Have tried it alone up to now and realise that this snail’s pace is just not for you - you want results! 
  • Are done playing small and know your time is NOW!
  • Are excited to be affectionately challenged and pushed to achieve more on every level.
  • Need some solid practical and emotional support with tools you can use again and again. 
  • Know the best investment you can make in life is to get whatever help you need instead of always wondering - “what if…?”

Who are we?

We are Mandy Morris and Sass Tetzlaff - two Living Goddesses here to lead by example. 

We know that the only path away from your fears and doubts is towards yourself and that self needs to be amplified and golden, connected and complete. 

We have a toolkit of skills and experience we want to share with you that includes a lifetime of experience of getting it wrong before we got it right, qualifications in a wide range of energy modalities including access to the Akashic Records, oh, and the ability to channel directly from our ancient ancestors the wisdom we so desperately need in order to save ourselves and this planet.

We’ve bundled all of this together to bring you a series of programmes to move you forward in life and gain the skills necessary to set you on the path to your greatness and connection to your divine Goddess self. 

We don’t want you to be the version of you who goes around people pleasing, apologising, settling for a “less than” life, worrying and doubting herself in any way. We want you to shine so bright it hurts and if you think for one minute that’s not possible, you’ve just convinced yourself that the Goddess Effect is exactly what you need!

    Where Do I Start?

    It’s not “one and done”, you know this. If it was that easy everybody would have done it by now and we would all be walking around high fiving and congratulating each other on how  fabulous we are and wondering what awesome adventure we are having next. 

    So, we’ve created a beautiful world where you can progress at the rate you want with as much support and love as you want and we begin with the Fire Opal Course.

    On this entry level course you will learn the essential basics about the subtle anatomy of your energy systems and how to check for negative charges, neutralise and resolve them so you can activate your goddess blueprint. 

    You will begin to define what a Goddess Life means for you and connect to your innate wisdom and ability to create a life that supports you in every way, on your terms. 

    Over the course of 5 weeks we will cover

    • What is energy and the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy.
    • Your chakra system
    • Your aura system
    • The Universal Laws and how they affect our every day life, every day.
    • The balancing principle of the universe and why it is out of whack.
    • Societal and cultural imprints and how they keep us down and where they affect our inner energy systems.
    • How to use the Goddess Effect to clear and clean up all of the above and more.

    Dates are 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April 2024.

    All sessions are at 7pm London time. 

    Weekly calls on Zoom

    Wednesday evenings at 7pm London time.

    With replays available for you to watch again and again. This stuff is gold and brought to you in a way you can understand. We’ve been where you are and we know it can be bewildering so we are here for you, breaking it down, step by step

    Downloadable worksheets

    To keep you on track and working your way though the steps because this is not our Goddess Life we are working on. It’s YOURS and we are going to make sure it reflects who You are and what You desire out of life.

    Pay in full for £222 and receive these extra bonuses.

    Chakra Cleansing Meditation 

    Wealth and Soul Blueprint Alignment in the Akashic Records.

    Sign me up in two instalments of £111 (no added bonuses)

    Still on the fence?

    We get it,  you have questions… just book a free 30 minute call on this link.