I’m so excited to be offering my #guidance booklet that I downloaded from my Collective of Four whom I channel – Ozaipaz
To people who would love to
💙 get their own answers to burning questions that they have
💙 communicate direct with their Spirit Team without the need for a medium
💙 ask their Guides questions any time of day and night without having to book in an appointment with their friendly clairvoyant
💙 get clearer direction than is possible by interpreting Angel or Tarot cards
You know you’d love to go direct, to build your own relationships with Spirit, to get those burning questions answered
But you don’t know how.
I used to be like you
I used to have to consult with mediums, to talk to psychics and ask them what the answers were to my questions
Some were astonishingly talented
And sometimes I found it frustratingly indirect because the answers that came back might be a bit ambiguous, rambling, applicable to maybe two or three situations in my life but we weren’t sure which.
So I learnt how to do it myself
Going beyond the reliability offered through muscle testing, pendulum or Oracle Cards.
This booklet, #guidance; that I downloaded, teaches you – regardless of your psychic abilities or previous experience in divination -
Refund policy: This is a downloadable document which you'll get immediately after payment. There is no refund available on #guidance.
What can I ask Them?
Questions I have asked Ozaipaz:
🤍 Should I work with that coach?
🤍 Is this a good relationship for me to engage in?
🤍 I'm being offered this product/service - is it a good fit for me?
🤍 Should I take Doggo to the vet?
🤍 Which is the best supplement for me - this one or that one?
🤍 What is the best thing I can do today to drive my business forwards - A, B, C or D?
🤍 What should I be charging for my X service?
🤍 When should I put my prices up and by how much?
🤍 Should I invest in X training course?
🤍 Should I buy this or that haridryer to tame my frizzy hair?
This booklet #guides you through getting answers to your questions from your Spirit Guides, using advanced manifestation tools to help you become a master manifestor and so much more! Move to the next level with #guidance!
178.50 GBP
Thank you for buying #guidance! I'm really chuffed for you - my life has cahnged in SO MANY WAYS since I started following what Ozaipaz tell me!! 🥰😍
Have a great day!
If you would like to learn more about what I do and how psychic energy healing might help you, subscribe to my newsletter, by filling out the form below. You can keep on top of recent events, offers, healing success stories and more - and discover how we can work together!
I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time ...
Gen Edwards