Any of these sound familiar?

🌟 you're making great progress in your growth or expansion, and suddenly everything falls apart and a nasty voice inside says 'see, told you it's not for you'

🌟 even though you know it's just a construct in your head, that inner critic has the power to stop you in its tracks 

🌟 sometimes you catch yourself ruminating on questions like 'why do I always xyz?' and 'why don't I ever get it right?' and 'what's wrong with me?'

🌟 you're stalled out by procrastination because your brain is in total freeze mode at the AUDACITY of the plans you made

🌟 you don't even know what audacity feels like, because heaven forbid you should ever actually <gasp!> take a risk (even when all your friends, colleagues and mentors are urging you forward)

These are all symptoms of a particularly bitey kind of inner critic, and even if you haven't had these exact symptoms, I bet you know the kind of pressure I'm talking about. It's as though every good opinion you've ever had of yourself is a ridiculous notion, and the world is mocking you for it.

Join me on a quest to:

🌟 gently reveal the surprising secrets of these inner voices

🌟 find the love - yes, even here

🌟 rediscover the power of humour

🌟 heal that relationship so next time they get loud, you know what to do

This high-value resource was written over a decade ago, and although the clip art is cheesy AF -  it's core principles have not changed and it's still high value.

And it's my gift to you, because the world needs you doing your thing without all that BS in the way.


The feelings you get when those voices arise are not the whole truth.

The fact that you experience the Inner Critic does not reveal a character flaw. It’s not your fault. 

It’s the direct result of toxic systems that took up residence in your brain (and mine), and your own brain's natural superpower of keeping you alive at all costs.

And that means we can (and must) re-examine what's really going on here.

It’s time to explore, without myth and misunderstanding, so you can transform the relationship with those voices.

And because doing it with fun and ease is sooooooo much more effective, we'll do it through a fun metaphor I know you'll enjoy.