facilitated by jaamil olawale kosoko

A Virtual Meditation & Creative Restshop for Early Career Artists

A holistic approach to asset mapping through poetic expression, meditation and guided rest

April 24th

12-2pm PST, 3-5pm EST, 8-10pm GMT

“Our dream space has been stolen, and we want it back. We will reclaim it via rest.”

- Rest is Resistance, Tricia Hersey, The Nap Ministry

Craft a personalized holistic plan for financial self-care through mapping your resources through poetic expression, meditation and guided rest building strategies.

By the end of the course, you will have built a comprehensive financial self-care plan, gained clarity on your personal life vision strategy, and developed the mindset and practices needed to thrive financially as an artist within the new economic paradigm. Your innate poetic knowledge will act as a guide, empowering you to reclaim your bank of resources while creating a prosperous creative work-life balance.

Click here if you have additional questions or would like to schedule a 1-on-1 session with jaamil.

Sliding scale is available as I don’t want personal finances to be prohibitive to sharing this work. Should you need to request subsidy, send us your inquiry at [email protected]