Eau Claire, WI, USA    | [email protected]  

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Buy goods and services when you have no money.  Hone in on trade-worthy skills.


Sell your knowledge when people need it most.  Small investments now can help exponentially.


Neighbors will know you and they will be stronger, boosting your safety through numbers


Having valuable skills means you can exchange the things you're good at or the services you can offer for essential items and services that you might require. It's like a barter system, where you trade your abilities for what you need when currency isn't an option.

A large range of skills are provided in this journal, including outdoor survival, food preparation and preservation, clothing care, and disaster-related survival skills such as nuclear responses. The list of skills is large and intended to inspire reflections on “VALUE.”

If you're already experienced in survival skills, the journal can serve as a valuable refresher and may offer new perspectives or techniques you haven't encountered before. Lifelong learning is key, and this journal can help you sharpen your existing skills.

We understand your time concerns. The journal is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to learn at your own pace. You don't need to rush through it. A few minutes a day can make a significant difference in your preparedness.

Rest assured, we value your privacy. We only collect minimal information for the purpose of delivering the journal to you. Your email address won't be shared with anyone. Downloading the journal is a safe way to access valuable information. You can expect an occasional email from us, featuring news on new books, free tools, and expert advice to enhance your readiness journey. But no worries! You can unsubscribe at any time.

Most things can be learned without money by using online resources and your local library. This journal is FREE. 😊

Don't wait for uncertainty to knock 

on your door.  

Your future is in your hands, and we're here to help you shape it.

Copyright© Canvenia - All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This e-book provides information and strategies for educational purposes only. It is not financial or legal advice. Always consult with a professional before making significant financial decisions.  Results are dependent on abilities and ambition.