Do you have decreased confidence and low self esteem? Continuously undermining your own authority can lead to a a negative self-image and a lack of trust in your own judgment.
Do you feel you have limited opportunities to advance in your life? Whether at work or at home? Are you stuck in a rut? Downgrading your expectations in life can signal to yourself that you are not worthy of personal authority.
Are you stressed and experiencing burnout? The emotional toll of stress and burnout can lead to a significanct decrease in you asserting your authority and impact both your mental and physical health.
Are you experiencing strained relationships? Your authority can be severely strained when you experience tensions and strains at home or at work and mutual respect and healthy boundaries are not respected.
.... plus we identify 3 ways that you can take back your authority today ...
.... so that you can ground your life, reclaim time and practice the art of being yourself...
Sarah Banks is a designer, blogger and internet entrepreneur. Having started her entrepreneurial life with a couture wedding and day dress company she then got hooked on all things on-line, bringing her businesses online and fusing both worlds. Her experience and knowledge in creating one-off garments for her clients was the foundation for Working Frocks and she is uniquely placed to give styling advice, being not only a blogger, but a couture designer too.