Yay! You have registered for this summer's free coaching calls.
I'm so glad you're coming.
This contains all the information you need ahead of the call. But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know.
What will the call be about?
Life as a mom can be stressful, challenging, and frustrating, amiright? So we need a little break from time to time. I want to invite all of us to take a deep breath and come together for a little rejuvenation and vulnerability in the midst of all the chaos we're dealing with. Life coaching does just that. It's so beautiful. I can't wait to chat with everyone, and do some individual coaching for those who would like to get coached.
Do I have to prepare anything?
Nope! Come as you are, ideally in a quiet place with good audio/video if you wish to get coached.
When is the call?
Check your inbox for detailed information on each month's call.
How do I join?
Click the button at the bottom of your email to join the Zoom call. All the cameras will be off unless you want to turn yours on, so don't worry at all. If for some reason you don't have an email, shoot me one at [email protected]. Technology...
What if I have to cancel/can't make it?
We will miss you! But you can always reach out to me directly if you'd like to talk one-on-one, and of course you can always sign up for next month's call.
Got any other questions? Just hit your email and let me know.
PS. I'm sending this information to your inbox as well.
JUNE ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89221088886
JULY ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81535279803
AUGUST ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87498827505