Dyami and the Gobi Crystal


The Ideal Reader

Kabbalah Initiates

This fast-paced adventure uses allegory and fantasy to discuss Kabbalah themes of duality, truth, and oppression. It is the first book in a series exploring the Tree of Life. 

Dyami journeys from the angelic realm of Yetzirah to the earthly sephirot of Malcuth, known as the gate of tears, truth, and justice. After multiple challenges and discoveries, she returns home.

Dyami and the Gobi Crystal is as a single drop of honey compared to the entire Kabbalah banquet. Hopefully, it wets the reader's pallet to digest more of the ancient, mystical wisdom.

Fantasy Followers

This novel was designed for eleven+ year-old readers and their parents who love fantasy.

People die, but there is no explicit, bloody gore. In the most intense scene, Dyami feels shame for what almost happens to her, even though she wasn't to blame.

Dyami travels off-world and time travels to understand the Naga.

This is a story of friendship and finding one's truth and voice in a chaotic world. It is a story of hope, even in the darkest hour.

It's perfect for those who enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia, Keeper of the Lost Cities, or A Wrinkle in Time.

Galactic Truth Seekers

Stories help us make sense of extraterrestrial races until we have irrefutable evidence. Dyami collects galactic or Akashic records onto a recording device resembling the Lemurian record keeper quartz. 

The Dukán surround themselves with music, laughter, and sharing. The Naga are a self-serving, militant reptilian race who become stranded on the planet. They feast on fear of those they terrorize.  Dyami meets advanced beings in other realms and time to learn deeper truths about the Naga and their motives. 

The novel was inspired by the concept "Givers and Takers" in the internationally acclaimed book Ishmael by Anthony Quinn. 

The Author


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