Sign up to receive The Cowgirl's Code PDF booklet
The Cowgirl's Code was born from my search for a life driven by my values rather than others' demands.
This 30 page booklet examines each of my seven codes of conduct, how they came to be and why they are important to me.
This short booklet ends with a simple process to support you in creating your own code of conduct based on your values.
Free introductory webinars are also provided monthly. Details will be in our weekly emails.

Cowgirl confidence is an ATTITUDE.
Tenderness and toughness.
It's available to all, even it you never touch a horse or buy the boots...
You may think that leadership has to do with formal roles and hierarchies, that leaders are the ones that make the decisions and control others. Horses taught me that true leaders concentrate on making themselves and others feel safe around them. That kind of compassionate leadership can change your world.