About the Author

Maree Davis (BSc., Dip.Herb.Med.) has over 15 years’ experience as a natural health care practitioner. She is also the mother of two children, one of whom doesn’t fit inside the box. Navigating the challenges of parenting a neurodivergent child is not without its difficulties, but her background in holistic health, alongside comprehensive research, enables her to prioritize her own self-care.

Maree believes that positive mental and emotional health is an integral part of raising happy and healthy children. By sharing her experiences, she hopes to encourage other parents who are on similar journeys, to understand the importance of making self-care a reality.


Maree Davis writes under a pseudonym to protect the anonymity of her children and give them the privacy they rightfully deserve. The stories and anecdotes that she shares are based on her own experiences, with a sprinkle of “creative license” as required.