Is this you?

Your identity is being a parent. You have forgotten who you are other than a parent.

You may be the person that walked away from a career early in your parenting days to stay at home with your child(ren) or you may have juggled work/family/life for way too long. 

Maybe you have raised your cherubs (ok, maybe they weren't always little angels) for what seems like forever or have poured all of your energy into raising them over the last 18+ years.

Perhaps your kids/s are in high school and you are anxious about what you will do with your time when they no longer ' need'  you? Maybe they have started on their own path, an independent life and you feel a little bereft or lost yet want to feel happy for them? Maybe you over hear friends looking forward to the school holidays and the time they can spend with their kids and yours have already flown the nest...

You don’t even know what to think or feel right now. You know you want to feel happy for your babies and you genuinely do yet you don't know what you want after they have flown.

Whether your first is about to leave the nest or your last, the emotions are real.

I hear you. Your identity has been compromised... Houston we have a problem... I'm here to guide you back on your trajectory.

Your life is NOT over. 

It is possible to not only function but to soar in this stage of your life. 

No matter how you have shown up as a parent or carer, this can be a hard time to navigate. When you put your all into your family and then it feels all but gone when your children leave to pursue their own lives, the lives you have taught them to embrace, it's hard.

I'm here to walk with you, guide you and bring life back into not only your own life but that of your family, loved ones and children.

The best example you can be is to be yourself and embrace who you are - let's start today!

Ok, I may have got you hooked with the first few paragraphs but let's get serious here... are you feeling lost, lacking purpose and passion or perhaps you just feel empty not sure what's next?. It’s not surprising.  

But let's not focus on the BAD, I want to show you how GOOD it can be.

Yes, there are many women who embrace and love the fact that their kids have gone (often hoping they never return!) yet I also know that it's hard to transition from a parent life to a real life without guilt and feeling that you should be doing more for 'them'

You see, we all go through times of personal adjustment ALL.THE.TIME. we just don't know it until its BIG. 

I'm here to help.

You don't have to do this alone

Come with me and let's look at how your life can be when you move from feeling lost and find a new way to be fulfilled.

So how do you go about finding yourself again in the midst of all the emotional chaos? 

It can be challenging yet you're here because you want things to be different, you want to feel a new sense of self and start to embrace life as you want it to look. 

This time in our lives can be so invigorating, a chance to reinvent ourselves for another chapter. In fact, life beyond the empty nest can be as exciting, fulfilling and joyful as it was before, albeit in different ways.

You aren't alone with this one. 

You’ve devoted the last 18 (or so) years being the best parent possible to your child(ren). You know how to do that well, but this next part of your life – you don’t feel ready. 

Maybe you feel silly because you knew it was coming... eh? yet it's here and bam...

Your child’s preschool years quickly transitioned into after school activities, meeting new parents and forming new friendships. You had a house full or great friends being formed in your home. Soon, what you once dreaded in that school pick up at Kindy, you will miss and wonder how you will ever meet anyone again!

 Will the aloneness drive you crazy, or will you love it? Honestly, you aren’t sure what this means for you.

What will you DO?

As a coach that specialises in identity, I hear you. Discovering who you are outside of the hats and roles (mother, father, partner,  employer, boss, volunteer, employee...) that you have given yourself is worth doing. 

I can't wait until you discover how amazing you are!

From a perspective of a woman, I know only too well what it's like to lose sight of who you are, what you want and how to move forward.

It happens to us all a number of times in our lives without us feeling like we skip a beat! We do.

Children make us stronger (something I seen in my own mother and myself)

Yet when we give our all we lose some of ourselves.

That's ok.

Right now it's time to reclaim that ALL and bring our self worth, self confidence and motivation to a level that re-invigorates all areas of life! 

Many of us tie our self-worth up in what we do for other people and forget we have a worth all our own.

It's not about ' filling your time' with hobbies (albeit this is helpful) and bridging the gaps between when your love ones visit, it's about embracing who YOU are.

Many feel pressured to 'fill their time' yet I don't land in this category, hell no, I want you to dig deep first and create space and then decide what YOU want to do.

Let's be honest, you will most likely be aged around 45 to 60 and haven't you done so much already? Have you forgotten about how much you have accomplished in life?

Let me remind you that your identity is about to or has just changed... and that's ok.

Part of finding yourself again means getting back in touch with your hopes and dreams. 

If you have held on to them tightly, it may be quite easy to start thinking about bringing those dreams back to life. 

However, life and time mean you may have had to reconsider what you really want. 

Want to find out what you really want?

We are all different.

Some of my clients have said that when they realised that they could do absolutely anything, that they were really weren't sure exactly what it was they wanted to do. Until we worked together 💗

It is a big change, but not a negative one. 

When we work together you will learn to be patient with yourself, learn how to embrace a positive attitude and tap into and harness your sense of adventure.

As I guide you, nurture your true soul and promote more self care, you will be amazed at just how full an empty nest can be.😍

It's time for change for the better.

If you are ready to embrace this new chapter of life then I promise you that we will do some amazing work together that WORKS.

So, what does the 6 week 'From Lost to Fulfilled' package look like?

Over the 6 weeks we will -

1. Value - Find out what makes you tick, values and drivers.

We delve deep in this 90 minutes re-aligning yourself to YOU is where we start.
- Find out what lights you up and what brings you joy no matter if you have long forgotten what it is that floats your boat;
- Start BEing instead of DOing so that you can show up as your true self every single day;
- Carve your own way ahead by uncovering what motivates YOU so that you can be unstoppable!

2. Obstacles - Move the obstacles that stand in your way.

These obstacles might be YOU so let’s build some tools to get you out of your own way!
- Let’s delve into the challenges that you may have - mental blocks, mindset and habits and create a tool kit to navigate these inevitable obstacles of life;
- Play out some ‘Oh this is my responsibility’ role plays to get you focused on handling the triggers that will happen;
- Practise some release techniques using Matrix Therapies to release old thoughts and limiting beliefs.

3. Understanding - Ditch the automatic habits and start unravelling and uncovering.

Get ready for some aha moments of discovery.
- Learn to uncover and unravel so that you understand that you can flourish in this next chapter;
- Start to recognise, with compassion, your old patterns and take the steps to replace them with new, healthy and conscious choices for your new life;
- Replace old thinking with new ways and mindsets so that your automatic thoughts and actions are always in the direction of what you want.

4. Affair - Learning to have a love affair with yourself.

How can others love and value you if you don’t love and value yourself?
- Bring self love into your life EVERY.SINGLE.DAY so that you can commit to yourself, your worth and abilities;
- Start the process of letting go of what has held you back to enable you to trust your own thinking;
- Know the power of your own perception. Gain insights into how much you have to offer, what you bring to the table and how this never has to be attached to a ‘job’ that you do.

5. Connection - Building your own foundation for your own brand of success.

Whether you experienced an empty nest abruptly or it is happening slowly over time now is the time to connect and reconnect with yourself, others and with your partner, if you have one. 

- Delve into personal boundaries and get the strategies in place and practise them so that you will confidently say a hell no or a hell yes on your terms;
- Create goals that light you up and align with your values and BEing;
- Brain storm ways to move outside of your comfort zone to embrace the opportunities available to you;
- Commit to knowing your ‘Why’ and how this will become your anchor for years to come.

6. Action - Nothing speaks louder than action.

Messy, imperfect, half arsed or impeccable it doesn’t matter
- Wave goodbye to your perfectionism and self doubt as we formulate your plan so that you can take action TODAY;
- Create big changes to your acceptance and how you demonstrate your new identity so that you SHINE in every aspect of your life;
- Set yourself up as strong, confident and enthusiastic who knows who they are and is proud of it.

The 6th session is our last session and you will be leaving with a heart centred conviction that see’s you putting yourself first every time.

After our time together you will feel zestful, be embracing your power and will have freed yourself from feeling lost, abandoned and unworthy and start creating this new chapter of life on your terms.

I appreciate that you have questions and I hope these will help alleviate any queries but always know I will happily jump on a call with you to talk you through the package at a time convenient to you.

How will life be different when we we work together... let me tell you and why don't I let my clients tell you...

You will become empowered in your own sense of self, your own self belief, you will learn to speak from the heart, you will embrace this chapter or season of life and make it your own.

This is going to be so so good.

Remember, this isn't a silver bullet. This is real work and you have to put in the effort and make yourself a priority for at least 2 to 3 hours per week!

Each week will build on the next and you WILL feel empowered, have increased belief in yourself and your worth, know what your values are and how to channel your strengths into work and life that will reap REWARDS for you and those you love.

As we create the momentum your motivation will SOAR.

People won't recognise you, not because you are lost and alone, because you will be crystal clear on what you want to achieve, what impact you want to make and you will be putting yourself first for the first time in a long time - and it will last!

So, how does that sound? If you have any further questions then I'll happily jump on a call to answer them.

The package is personal, it's about you. It isn't a generic group package or program that's all video and self paced... it really is for YOU.

So, what will this cost I hear you say and what do I actually get...

The package price is $795 and payable either in one payment or two payments of $400 two weeks apart (email me to set up).

This includes -

Let's find out more about you questionnaire for you to complete before our initial session.

1 x 30 minute Clarity Session before we lock in your 6 sessions.

1 x 90 minute deep dive Zoom (first session)

5 x One-on-one coaching sessions via Zoom

Comprehensive take out email with specific action points sent to you after each session

Unlimited email support

Regular accountability check-ins

There is nothing you will regret about jumping in and the best news, we start at a day and time that suits YOU. 

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Get so much more for free  

Every month you'll get my email to keep you motivated to own your own identity and keep on track plus notifications on special offers and what's happening so that you can make the most out of your life!