To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to care for the Earth, raise them to be kind, compassionate and honest.

Shannon L. Alder

A Sanctuary for Connection

Our monthly Circle is an invitation to co-create a sacred space in which we honour and tend to the mother / son relationship.

We explore the nuances of boyhood and how to nurture our sons as they navigate adolescence in these (r)evolutionary times.

We embrace the magic and medicine of Circle to support us to flourish as a community of mothers raising sons. 

A Welcoming Space for every Mother

The Circle is open to all who embody the role of mother, recognising that motherhood takes many shapes. Whether you are a biological mother, a stepmother, an adoptive mother, or any other wonderful variation of mother, you are welcome.

Our Circle's Rhythm

  • 🌺 Welcome, grounding practice & opening ritual
  • 📜 Circle Guidelines
  • 💬 Check-in - sharing in response to a simple question
  • 🌟 Introduction to theme
  • 🌐 Exploring & Sharing around the theme with prompts, stories, questions, or props
  • 🕯 Ritual & shared reflections
  • 🍎 Break - snacks and drinks
  • 🎨 Activity
  • 🔄 Shared reflections
  • 🌙 Closing Ritual 

⭐️Tailored for Boys Aged 9-12

At this time, our Circle is most resonant for boys aged 9-12 but we would love to hold Circles for younger and older boys and support more mothers to hold these Circles.

✨ Themes for Growth

Our Circles are curated around themes that shape caring, compassionate and courageous individuals. From embracing quirks to cultivating courage, expressing feelings, challenging gender stereotypes, tending friendships, deepening resilience and standing up for what is right, each Circle weaves together personal qualities and collective care. We seek to support our boys as they grow into who they are becoming and acknowledge the challenges of the world they are growing up in.

🌙 Ceremony and Ritual

Our Circles are a ceremony and we share in simple seasonal and nature based rituals including fire tending, creating the centepiece and more intimate rituals shared between Mother and Son.

The Activities vary. They are designed to demonstrate the theme and help the boys explore and integrate, and give time for mothers and sons to connect with each other and in Circle. We move around a lot and there is no forced "sitting in circle" - everyone is invited to do what feels best for them. At most Crcles, we also have a short mother's sharing circle whilst the boys play or do an activity.

At a recent Circle each Mother and Son passed a rose between them, sharing something that they loved about each other; with each share, they plucked a petal and then together created an offering from the petals. The petals were then taken home. River and I dried ours and I now use them in my Circle talking bowl.