What if you could experience peace of mind

in just 5 minutes,  

no matter where you are, or what is happening,

without needing to lock yourself up alone in a room,

close your eyes or focus on your breath, 

AND have fun in the bargain?

Sounds too good to be true? It's not! 

 487 of my clients are STARK evidence that it takes 

less than 5 minutes to practice mindfulness

anytime, anywhere, whenever you want to or need to, 

using these 10 33 randomized prompts that do not require you to meditate.


With features that help you return to the present moment & peace of mind. Over and Over.


Mindfulness in your pocket

I have created the deck of prompts in Notion, a mobile app which is free to download, so that you can access your prompts anytime, anywhere. 


Short & Sweet

Each prompt will take you les than  5 minutes to complete, so that you can easily access mindfulness even in heated moments, or when you are stressed. 


Gamification & Fun 

The prompts are randomized so that you can keep the experience fresh and fun, enabling you to practice mindfulness with true beginner's mind. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is NOTION?

Notion is a very cool app for desktops, laptops and mobile phones that allows you to create lists, tables, workflows and take notes. Mindfulness on the Go works best with the mobile app. 

Is this free?

Yes, the basic version of Notion, which is what I built this deck in, is free. And the Mindfulness on the Go deck itself is absolutely free. You will get subscribed to my email list, but you are free to unsubscribe at any point.

OK, so what am I getting exactly?

Once you sign up, will receive an email from me with the link to the Notion deck, and an instructional video on how to use it. The deck randomizes the prompts I have built into the deck. Each prompt will touch on a particular aspect of mindfulness and take under 5 minutes to complete. 

I have anxiety. Is this for me?

Research shows mindfulness meditation is helpful for people with anxiety. However, when one is activated or anxious, it can be hard, if not impossible, to focus on one's breath. Because I wanted to make mindfulness accessible to as many people as possible, none of the prompts in this deck are breath-focused. 

Having said that, nothing on this page constitutes medical advice. Please use your discretion and if needed, contact your mental health professional.