8 week online group coaching journey


This online group coaching journey will take you out of that rut. From those feelings of uncertainty, frustration, and the deep need to step out of patterns that are no longer serving you into a place of confidence and finding yourself again. This 8 week group coaching program will help you gain a deeper understand of yourself.

This program is for you if you have reached that point where you cannot continue life as it is. Where the sense of feeling lost, needing to feel like yourself again, perhaps even beginning to find yourself again has become more important to you.

Leave your details below if you are ready to invest in you!


Enneagram Profile Report

Weekly Workbooks

90 minute group coaching sessions once a week

Whatsapp community group

Whatsapp access to me

one 1:1 coaching session with me 

All the above and so much more throughout the duration of the 8 week group coaching journey. Each week will be supported by the group coaching session, workbooks, journaling prompts, meditations, visualizations and support from the group and from myself. 

Investment into you and your self growth is R2666


I know you may feel like you won’t have enough time. This program was created based on the busy women, like you, in mind. The 90 minute sessions will fly by as you begin to explore these topics with like minded women, the non judgement, support and empathy in this space with hold you as you begin unlearning your patterns. The reflections, journalling most likely will take no more than 60 minutes per week which is the same time as you would spend watching True Crime on Netflix.

You won't ever need to feel you are alone. I am here to guide you whenever you feel you need it. I’ve got you and I am here to support you while you begin this journey of self discovery.

I also understand how hard it is for women to invest in yourselves when you spend your life investing in everyone around you. Just think of the positive impact this will have on you and your wellbeing. The knock on effect on your relationships when you invest in you.

What can you expect from the 8 week group          coaching journey

Week 1

Intention Setting

In our first sessions we will get to meet everyone in our group. Set our intentions for the 8 weeks head. An opportunity to get clear about what you are hoping to achieve at the end of our time together. We will also gain a deeper understanding of what the other members are hoping to achieve and how they need support through this beautiful journey of self discovery. 

Week 2

Exploring your Enneagram

As we begin this 8 week journey we explore your Enneagram type. Having this key insight into why you do what you do and who you are can profoundly impact your 8 week coaching journey.

Week 3

Creating Emotional Awareness

Emotions are your life line. Your tool to understanding yourself on a deeper level. This week is the foundation that will support you through the next 8 weeks on this journey of unlearning, becoming unstuck and really getting focused on you and your healing 

Week 4

Self Confidence & Compassion

That feeling of not good enough that plagues most women. Those feelings that keep us feeling unworthy, low self esteem and stuck in comparison. Building self confidence takes vulnerability and courage topped with a whole bunch of self compassion. This week there are tools to guide you towards yourself confidence.

Week 5

Boundaries & Difficult conversations

This boundary buzz word has so many people throwing out boundaries without not truly understanding what is happening behind the scenes. Boundaries like with anything else needs to be designed on self awareness. How do you set boundaries if you don't even know what boundary needs to be set, or what's driving the need to set this boundary. Week 4 is all about taking the anxiety out of boundary setting and difficult conversations. 

Week 6

Breaking the Perfectionist pattern

Does perfectionism keep you stuck? Understanding our patterns around perfectionism and what is driving it can help us step into a mindset of perfectly imperfect or mistakes happen and I can try again. Perfectionisms is driven by fear and shame. When we are address these emotions we are able to navigate our perfectionsms to help us rather than hinder. 

Week 7

Turning and facing our stories of hurt

The pain we carry impacts our overall well-being. Be it consciously or subconsciously. When you are able to find the courage to turn and face your stories of hurt you can begin to heal those parts of yourself. The freedom one feels from releasing the chains of pain and hidden stories can be liberating. 

Week 8

Growing and Understanding Trust

Trust is such a big word. When you say I don't trust a person what part of trust has been broken. We explore various elements of trust and how it can impact your relationships. How you can form trust again and how vulnerability plays a part in you being able to trust again.

Just think about it. You can do this program for less than two dress from Country Road or going to the hairdresser for your six weekly highlights.

I know how much money it costs to invest in self development. My journey of self discovery; I can not put a price on as I know the value that it has added to my life. I am happy to sell this program at this price as I want to give you a springboard out of your rut and into your confidence with courage, without the pain of searching for what you need.