Start letting go of that, that never served you!

Choose to leave behind your old limiting beliefs that hold you back, that limit you and keep you stuck!

Liberate your emotions, liberate yourself and boost your confidence levels by inviting joy and happiness to flow more effortlessly into your life!

Choose to embrace new, empowering belief systems that help unlock your full potential, courage and self-assurance!

Our next Container opens on Saturday 9 November. The healing work begins on Sunday 10 November, and ends on Thursday 14 November.

The shut-off for Healing Container registrations is Saturday 9 November at 10:00 UK time

Our limiting beliefs that we are releasing/replacing are 


You choose from a supplied list of limiting beliefs that have created for you, experiences of ...

Your investment: £87.00


if when you try to book you're told "No appointments are available this month" - it means this particular Container is full.

This five-day week is for you, if you're ready to start letting go of the energetic, emotional, mental foundations that are at the root of, and creating your experiences of 'not enough.'

Are you ready to let go now, of old outdated experiences, feelings and beliefs of "not enough" that you may have created years ago, when you experienced

🖤 toxic relationships

🖤 failure

🖤 being compared to others (siblings, peers) by an authority figure in our formative years

🖤 attachment to perfectionism and unrealistically high standards

🖤 lack of validation especially when you were growing up

🖤 feeling like you're not as far along the career/money/relationship 'success path' as your peers evidently are.

Are you ready to begin ... 

🥰 practising self-compassion and acceptance

🥰 stepping into greater empowerment about who you really are and what you're capable of

🥰 embracing empowering belief systems around how worthy, deserving and 'enough' you really are?

Then sign up below! 👇👇

How it works - all the deets!

This is our powerful, 5-day WhatsApp Healing Container in which together we co-create transmutation/transformation for you by releasing from you, five limiting beliefs. We replace these with five empowering beliefs.

You'll privately email me the five limiting beliefs you want released - according to the theme we're working with that week. In the Container I'll give you tools which you'll use in support of my energetic work - thus co-creating your transformation. I'll check into the Container daily, giving group progress reports; without referring to individuals' specific limiting beliefs we're letting go.

When your Higher Self tells me you're ready, we will start installing five empowering beliefs - one for each limiting belief we are releasing.

To empower your co-creating of your transformation, I'll supply into the Container,

⭐a support EFT/tapping video with specific themed instructions using my unique manifestation tapping techniques for you to download and tap along with for as long as you wish - feel the relief and Lightness of Being as you tap!

⭐a downloadable audio meditation with a channelled healing energy boost embedded into the recording, to support of your healing, when you listen to it. Feel the love wash through you as you listen, helping you let go of stress and tension as well as your limiting beliefs - even after the hardest day!

What is co-created healing?

It’s ‘co-created healing’ because I will:

⭐Run REMOTE daily psychic healing activations to shift your specifically-chosen old outdated limiting belief systems from your subconscious mind

⭐Check into the Container daily to answer questions, explain what I'm doing, and giving progress reports (without referring to specific individuals - thus supporting confidentiality)

⭐Make suitable resource materials available in the Container for your use.

    You will:

    ⭐Choose (from a list provided) which five limiting beliefs you want to release

    ⭐Email this list to me (maintaining confidentiality within the healing group that you are part of)

      ⭐Tap as often as you want in support of our releasing your limiting beliefs, using the video recording I'll make available in the Healing Container. I'll share with you my tapping manifestation technique and give you a Spirit-downloaded phrase to tap on in the interests of your tapping out as quickly as possible, your energetic blocks contributing to your limiting beliefs.

      Once your Higher Self tells me you have released enough of your limiting beliefs, I'll begin installing new, empowering beliefs that support your Best and Highest Good. This means I will:

      ⭐ Ask your Higher Self, what are the best, most empowering replacement belief statements I can install for you - I will email this information to you individually so you know what we’re working with

      ⭐ Run REMOTE daily psychic healing activations to install your new, empowering belief systems deep into your subconscious mind

      ⭐Check into the Container daily to answer questions, explain what I'm doing, and giving progress reports (without referring to specific individuals - thus supporting confidentiality)

      ⭐Make suitable resource materials available in the Container for your use

      ⭐Email you a final report itemising what percentage of your limiting beliefs we have released, and what percentage of your empowering ones we have installed.

        You will:

        ⭐Listen as often as you like to my meditation track that I'll make available in the Container which has a channelled healing energy boost embedded into the recording, in support of your healing and in support of your acceptance of your new belief systems.

        By working together, in support of one another, we are most effective in stripping out the beliefs that never served you and implanting empowering ones that do serve you.

        What is a 'WhatsApp Healing Container'?

        It's a closed WhastApp group, open only to the 20 participants who have signed up for this transformative experience. Once the healing is done, I'll close the container and open a new one for our next theme - in roughly six weeks' time.

        Within the container, you can reveal as much as yourself as you wish to reveal, to other members. I will not be sharing your personal intentions within the group. Any time I need to communicate with you specifically, about an aspect of your healing, I will do so privately.