Sacred Soul Retrieval Workshop
With Georgie Garwood
Online via YouTube
In this sacred soul restoration workshop we will be taking a journey back to wholeness.
Our Souls have lived many lifetimes and each life has held a unique story. In the lifetimes where trauma was experienced, the soul response was often to split an aspect from it. Soul fragmentation occurred.
In this workshop with the assistance of the Four Angelic Pillars of Light, Archangels Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel, we will be calling those lost pieces of our souls back to us, cleansed and purified by the light of the Creator.
We will also be calling in The higher self aspect of each person to oversee the process. All is Divinely orchestrated and the Higher self is in control throughout the whole session.
The Aurorath Dragons have come forward to finalise the ritual with a healing light body activation.
It is a celebration for the soul and extremely sacred.
I will be supporting you in this ritual of soul re-unification.
What does this workshop include:-
Preparation of the body and fields with your higher self.
Clearing of lower frequency from the body and fields with the help from the four Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael
Connection to the Godhead to retrieve and receive lost soul aspects
Integration of the soul essence in the physical and energetic bodies - embodiment into the physical
Cutting of cords from contracts that are now complete with the help of Archangel Michael
Full healing with your team of light and Sealing in the Soul with a blessing from the Unicorns
Light body activation with the Aurorath Dragons
You will feel:-
More whole and unified.
More able to anchor your soul gifts further into the physical world
A sense of peace and harmony
Uplifted and Empowered
I look forward to supporting you on your ascension journey
Much love
Georgie xx