Self Care Circle 

Self-care. We've all heard of it, we kind of know the benefits but so often we forget or run out of time or maybe we are not sure exactly what we can do. 

I am here to help you because Self-care is incredibly important for women and mums. It allows us to prioritise our own well-being, become positive role models, and replenish our energy reserves. 

There is a huge ripple effect from looking after ourselves including:
helping us bounce back from setbacks
increasing resilience
enriching relationships
building strong child-parent bonds
leaving us feeling more positive, calmer and happier.

When I talk about self-care, I'm not referring solely to indulgent spa trips (though those can be lovely and I'm not going to say don't go!). I'm thinking about the small, day-to-day practices that help us connect with ourselves and, in turn, deepen our connection with others. 

That's why I'm excited to announce -
Beckie's Self Care Circle

  • with a monthly zoom call on a Tuesday (recorded and available afterwards)
  • a community of like minded women
  • audio and visual self care reminders
  • based around 8 pillars of self care
  • accountability 
  • Facebook group
  • Messenger support 

    Just £10/month

Pop your details in below, click the button and you will be taken to a secure payment area.'

A space where like-minded women can come together, where we'll emphasise easy self-care, embracing the simple yet powerful moments that allow us to nurture ourselves. By incorporating activities such as guided journaling, guided meditation, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques/tapping), we'll provide valuable tools for self-reflection, stress reduction, and emotional well-being.

'I find what Beckie brings to the circle really good'

'It is time to just concentrate on me and how I can help myself in the next month ahead. Thanks Beckie.'

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Self Care Circle

10.00 GBP / month

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Have a great day!