Small Biz owners  experienced poor mental health 

Small Biz owners report working over 46 hours a week

Small Biz owners take fewer than 20 days of annual leave per year

Invest in a day for you away from your business to network with like-minded business women. We invite you to a day in the peaks to rest, re-set, re-focus and fall in love with your business again.


Your business and relationships depend on you being well - mind, body, and soul. For one day, take some time out to slow down, get away from ‘the juggle’, take a deep breath and focus. Choose you!


We’ve created a safe space with a group of women to look at your gnarly problem of the day and help you think creatively, get proactive and dream big again. The day will leave you feeling empowered and in control.


Take part in two masterclasses designed to help you and your business move forwards. You’ll have time to brain dump, think, and plan in the afternoon so you can leave with a plan of action for Q4.


Being a senior leader or owner in a business is a tough, lonely place. We all need space to regroup and remember why we got started. Come away with us for a day, and fall in love with your business again.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”

- Anatole France

You are stuck in the 'day-to-day' and don't have enough headspace to think about the future.

They say you are the sum of the 5 closest people to you...does that include any ambitious business women?

You might not be ready for such an investment but know you need some help. 

09:30 AM

Arrival, drinks & pastries

Arrive, decompress, and enjoy the wonderful hospitality at The Tickled Trout - Barlow

10:00 AM

Welcome Session

A chance to get to know your hosts and the other women in the room.

10:30 AM

Masterclass: The Success Checklist

with Lynsey Harrison & Antoinette Daniel

Our top 10 list an resources to enable every woman in business to thrive

11:30 AM

Refreshment break

A perfect chance to grab a coffee, network, and top up on the countryside views.

11:50 AM

Gnarly Problem Workshop

Our much-loved signature ‘move’. Get in the hot-seat and present your pressing problem to a small group, then sit back and let the brainstorming magic begin.

13:00 PM

Buffet Lunch

Enjoy the hospitality at The Tickled Trout, with hand-selected artisan spirits and food crafted from quality produce that is so local some of it was reared or grown, literally on their doorstep.

14:15 PM


Time out (with guidance & different planning zones) to help you focus on slaying the next quarter.

Refreshments served at 3pm

16:00 PM

Show & Tell

A chance to practically share your plans and have a little accountability

16:15 PM

Round Up & Refocus 

Time to share and celebrate your wins from the day. Along with the new friends and business contacts you have made, you will leave feeling relaxed, focused, and excited about the next steps in your business.

    16:45 PM

    Celebratory drinks on the terrace 

    for the die-hards

    Head home or join us in the bar for celebratory drinks. Bubbles on us!

        *worth £159 and valid until 22nd April 2024

        00 Days
        00 Hours
        00 Mins
        00 Secs

        Join us on Thursday 13th June 2024 

        Bookings close on 4th May

        What Past Attendees Say


        The Tickled Trout at Barlow will become a favourite eating spot.

        The tickled Trout pub restaurant is regarded as one of the best places to eat locally in Derbyshire with a style of gastro pub food in a relaxing but smart environment

        So what pushed us to join forces and create EntrePLANeurs?

        Lynsey’s story is of being overwhelmed after the pressure of lockdowns, home schooling, and feeling lonely building her business alone. Lynsey says, Antoinette had always been a ray of light in her life, and Antoinette was quite rightly worried about her. Through sitting down together they were able to unpack the mess of thoughts and put them down in a step-by-step, systematic, and realistic plan.  Through sharing this gnarly problem, and creating a kick-ass plan of action, a massive weight was lifted from Lynsey. She could clearly see to move herself and her business forward for the next few months and beyond.

        More than that though, the brainstorming had restored her positive outlook. She was back in control! Antoinette reflected afterwards on this session and realised that this session was the highlight of her week, month and possibly year! Her business brain coupled with empathetic listening skills and planning ignited an idea in her brain. Together, as they reviewed this time, they realised there are many capable women in their position all needing a listening ear, guidance, a realistic and bespoke plan and a tribe of supporters cheering them on.

        Thus, EntrePLANeurs was born.

        We’re straight shooters and not afraid of tough love conversations but are also each others biggest cheerleaders. This combination is fun, motivating, supportive and achieves results.

        We’re here to give you the 30 years of knowledge, experience and tools around purposeful planning we WISHED we could have found when we were first growing our businesses, like how using a skills/fun matrix can help you decide what needs to be outsourced and then how to make a plan to earn enough money to hire in that help so that your business growth can be accelerated.

        Sound familiar? We are here to help!

        Still Got Questions?

        Yes, while we love the dynamic of a mixed gender group, we know that there is something special and freeing when those who identify as female get together in a space. Future events may be opened to a mixed group. Watch this space!

        The limit of on the day will be 10-15 women. We’ve found that anything more decreases the opportunities to get to know the majority of people in the room.

        There is plenty of parking on site

        While the downstairs area is, our meetig room is located on the first floor, which is not acceessible by a lift

        The nearest train station is Dronfield or Totley & More. Both are a taxi ride away.

        Please contact Antoinette in advance on [email protected] The venue are well used to accommodating all types of food allergies and intolerances

        Bring whatever you need to make notes (be that digital or physical). Other than that, everything else you need will be provided.

        Come in whatever makes you comfortable. Antoinette will likely be wearing a dress, and Lynsey will probably be in jeans and a semi casual top.

        The Tickled Trout 33 Valley Rd Dronfield S18 7SL

        Yes you can. They have 2 beautiful cottages that run alongside the venue