The Spunky VA VIP Day is perfect for you if you are a Coach or Mentor that has worked on their presence online. 

Memberships, Courses, VIP Days, Challenges, Webinars, Masterminds and Launches can all be daunting when it comes to the tech. You know that it would make your life easier once implemented but it can be so time consuming and distracting when you have your content to develop. 

When you opt into The Spunky VA VIP Day, you can get your emails uploaded, buttons set, landing pages created, videos integrated and everything ready for your community in a fraction of the time. 

You come with the content and let me handle the rest. 

Check out what you can get done in a one day intensive with me: 

This is NOT for you if you: 

  • Are not sure what your deliverables are going to be
  • Are not sure on what tech you want to use
  • Are not sure what materials you would like to incorporate in your product
  • Are looking for graphics and materials to be created for you

If this is where you are, we still got chu! BOOK A STRATEGY CALL with me and let's iron out the details of your offer, and how tech can be incorporated to make your life easier. 

What you need for the VIP Day

  • Your inspiration for your look, branding or vision board
  • Customer journey plan 
  • Your images and videos
  • Your copy
  • Your media to be uploaded 
  • Your tech stack you want to use

The Process

Want to know what you get once you confirm for your Intensive?


Book the day for your Kick Off Call 

Click the button,  Book the Date and we will get on a call. The Kick Off Call will be for Step 3 so make sure it is a comfortable date for you to pull your content together. 


Access your Shared Folder and Share all the good stuff 

This is your folder! Here is where we would share any resources, templates or content that will aid for your VIP Day. 


Strategise and Prioritise 

It's Call Time! We spend an hour deep diving the folder and your needs so we can optimise your VIP Day. We want high impact first and quick wins second. If we have a funnel, your landing page is first, delivery is second, nurture sequence third.  


Rock back and Relax 

The Day of the Intensive has arrived! It's time for execution. All you need to do is make sure you have time to hop on a call for feedback or to make sure we are on the same time during the project. 


Wrap Up 

And the hard part is over! We hop on call to do a final review of the action items and the post intensive support begins! You have 10 working days post intensive support from me to make sure no glitches occur. Tech can be finicky at times and we want to ensure everything works as it should.

    Enter your information below to sign up for the Spunky VA VIP Day and get started!