Increase your chance of business success by building a strategy that starts with where you are!

That's what I'll help you to do in this half-day virtual workshop.

17 years... that's how long I've been helping people to start & grow their own businesses. 

For 12 of those years, I taught people how to start a business 'the' right' way... You know - do your business plan, market, market market, work on your operations, get the finance part right, get the right insurances, etc, etc.

But for the last 5 of those, I've been supporting people to start & grow their business 'their' right way!

Now, all of those business foundations are still relevant and I still teach them and they do apply to every one and every business - you need to know where you're going, you need to be visible, you need to have an offer that people want and you need to be profitable.

But they're not the point where you need to start if you want to develop a strategy that actually works for you and your 'not so ordinary' life as a parent carer in business.

You need to start with you! Where you're at right now! With what you have! With your unique values & goals at the helm.

When you do that, heres what happens:

  •  You build a business model that works around your schedule rather than fitting your life around the pockets of time your business leaves over. 

  •  You stop casting the net far & wide hoping to catch something, anything, and instead get ultra focused on where you offer value so that it's easier and less time consuming to become visible to people who actually want to buy from you.

  •  It becomes much easier to develop products and services at price points that actually make running this business worthwhile because you know exactly how much you need to make and how much time you have to make it in.

  •  You become more confident in setting boundaries around your time & energy and even have those boundaries set automatically so that clients know when they're crossing a line.

  •  You develop an action plan that actually feels do-able and not overwhelming because you know exactly where you're going and the actions you choose are fully in line with what you need from your business.

It's time to create a business that works for you!

And I'll help you in this new online workshop designed specifically for carer mums in business.

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All the details:

    • Date & Time: Wednesday 30th May 10am-1pm
    • Venue: Online Via Zoom
    • Trainer: Claire O'Hanlon
    • Investment: £49

    What you'll learn:

    • How to build a core foundation on which to build your business strategy so that you increase your potential to create a business that enables you to earn around caring for a child with complex or additional needs

    Who Should Attend?

    This workshop has been designed specifically for women parent-carers who are making or have made the transition from employed to self-employed so that they can continue to use their skills and earn while also caring for a child with additional needs, though it's equally relevant to any Mum who wants to build a business around her life. It's open to people with all kinds of business ideas and you can be in the start up stage or wanting to move beyond the start up stage and create a scalable business model.

    If that sounds like you, click below to book your space.

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    Meet your trainer

    Hi, I'm Claire and I believe it sucks when people who can change the world don't. I've been building my own business around caring for my 13-year-old who lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy & Autism, and my 10-year old who has DCD/ Dyspraxia for the last 5 years. Before that, I worked for a Local Enterprise Agency providing business advice, support, training & consultancy to business right across the spectrum from pre-start to growth. I've honestly seen it all!

    I understand the challenges that we face as parent carers who are striving to maintain those years of experience we've built up, to continue to earn and to manage the juggle of hospital appointments, IEP meetings, sick days and everything in between. So, I take a very practical approach to supporting women to start and grow a business that works for them.

    As well as nearly 2-decades of experience supporting would-be and existing entrepreneurs, I also have a Masters in Enterprise Development from Queen's University, Belfast, a Professional Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing from the Digital Marketing Institute and an Advanced Diploma in Management from Ulster University.

    Here's what some clients have said about my work with them:

    'Claire equipped me to dig deep and really understand what I wanted to do and why, clarifying my vision & aims... Claire really helped me to discern what I could do in the short-term and what I could achieve longer-term to make starting a business feel less overwhelming with a staged plan in place, a clear vision and achievable targets. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life - Claire is a visionary, she believes in people and genuinely wants to see them change the world. Her enthusiasm is so contagious'.  A.C

    'You are a visionary and I can highly recommend your VIP day. On a personal level, you were really lovely to work with and determined to ensure I got a return on my investment, which I did. It really helped me to quickly develop my strategic and operational business plan and you were focussed on my success. Can't believe we covered so much and I would definitely recommend it to others.' Colette Leeson

    How to book your space:

    You can book your space by clicking on the button below:

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    I can't wait to work with you. Keep an eye on your inbox for all the joining details.

    Still Have Questions?

    If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected]