If you:

  • Keep hiding your uniqueness and being different because of the fear of being judged,
  • Are overwhelmed with all the demands and responsibilities placed on you,
  • Constantly pressurised because all tasks were supposed to be done yesterday,
  • Basing your worth on the proportion of your task list completion,
  • Cannot rest without guilt,
  • Most of the times keep lingering in the space between your doubts and your decisions,
  • Take most decisions based on external validation,
  • Have a constant voice inside saying you are not enough,
  • Not being your authentic self because of the fear of being judged and ridiculed,
  • Completely stressed and exhausted by mid week,
  • And simply find it impossible to make space for yourself during the day...

I am so happy, you found me and 'Unity'.

To experience results like:

⭐ Poonam could communicate her needs to her boss and MiL CLEARLY and CONFIDENTLY.

⭐ Vedika stopped being in loops of overthining before taking a decision and leaned into her body's intelligence to take decisions. 

⭐ Mihika started putting on the bold lipstick without the fear of being judged. 

⭐ Ruchika applied for the promotion and got it even when the experience listed was more than she had. 

⭐ Shilpa is not exhausted mid day. Instead she is running on an overflow of energy. 

To experience true freedom
True freedom is when your nervous system feels steady enough to hold you, and your mind becomes your ally—not your critic—so you’re equipped to face whatever life brings your way. It’s not about running towards something shinier or escaping what’s hard; it’s about building the kind of inner resilience that lets you show up, rooted and ready, no matter the season.

Can I tell you a secret?
These following signs are your body asking you to stop running and start listening:

  • Sleep struggles
  • Thinning hair
  • Mood swings
  • Menstrual cycle struggles
  • Low Libido
  • Stiff joints
  • People pleasing
  • Regular illness
  • Erratic eating patterns
  • Isolation and social withdrawal
  • Tight chest, shoulders and back
  • Migraines
  • Knotted tummy
  • Dehydration
  • Digestion struggles

So are you ready to:
✨Start listening?
✨Say yes to life you want, to expand through the extremes, and to put your two feet wholly and completely in?
Improve your communication?
✨Revitalize your body?
✨Make decisions from a space of strength and not doubt?
✨ Learn to truly listen to your body’s whispers?
✨ Hold and honor what you feel, without judgment?
✨ Find ways to charge forward and express yourself, while nurturing your wellness every step of the way?

If you are feeling jitters, sensations or tickling inside your body reading this, come join us for 'Unity'.

Unity is your path to being one with yourself. Deepen your self connection to the extent where it becomes a second nature.

What do we do together?

  • We start on 28-Feb-2025.
  • 11 spots only.
  • 6 group calls over 3 months. One hour each.
    Call 1 - Destressing our entire system and learning ways to cleanse our stress every single day
    Call 2 - Navigating the different demands placed on us without the overwhelm
    Call 3 - Energy Amplifiers so that you stay energized all day long
    Call 4 - Navigating our emotions/past to ensure we are not playing it small
    Call 5 - Listening to the body whispers to make better and clear decisions
    Call 6 - What is self connection?
    And how all of this amalgamates into deep self connection?
  • Access to a guided meditations library worth INR 11,000/-.
  • One detailed oracle card reading worth INR 1750/-.
  • Total worth of the program: 
    INR 35,000/- + INR 12,750 (Bonuses) = INR 47,750/-

    You Invest: INR 35,000/- (can be paid in monthly installments)

Warning: This program is for the courageous women who are ready to leap. We are not here to play small. 

This is a space to reconnect with your intuition, restore balance, and embody your power in a way that feels aligned and sustainable.

We are here to move beyond the fear, in this program, together. To own our authentic selves. To feel comfortable in our skin even if we are *different*.
Because humans are magic. We all are.

See you on the other side. 

    Reserve Your Spot Today! 
    Contact +91-7066216161 or email [email protected] to book your spot.

    About your Facilitator:

    I am Pradnya Vernekar, an Innovator for Women and a Performance & Leadership Coach. I am a certified Life Coach and Mentor from the University of Wellness. West Virginia. I am a 3x Bestselling Author, foreword of my books being written by Marshall Goldsmith and Emma Mildon.

    “Potential is a priceless treasure, like gold. All of us have gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out.”

    Joyce Meyer

    I help women access their highest potential by removing the limiting gender inhibitors (self developed methodology) and getting in touch with the magic of their innate gifts. Community building runs in my blood. Orchestrating efficient and impactful systems to uplift organization cultures is my speciality. The 'why' behind what I do has the foundation in seeing, feeling and listening to your or an organization's story like no one has done before. Unshaming and normalising our most hidden emotions (gender inhibitors) is my innate gift. This enables you to open up with a safe and secure feeling. ​Freedom of true expression, heartfelt connection and creativity are the foundational pillars of my service.

    You can know more about me and my work here - www.pradnyavernekar.com

    Reserve Your Spot Today. 

    Big Love,
    Pradnya <3

    PS: Here is a free resource to get you started on releasing your stress - https://pradnyavernekar6.gumroad.com/l/fmohka