Hello, Beautiful Soul!

Welcome to A Numinous Week of Healing – 6 days where you are bathed in continual remote healing energy.

This healing is done 100% remotely with all communication sent via email.

Next Numinous Week of Healing:

Friday 1 November 2024 to Wednesday 6 November 2024

Our theme for the week: Healing the Father Wound and Patriarchal Trauma, plus three personal intentions set by you, that you want help manifesting; thus co-creating your healing, plus an additional bonus healing activation session live on Zoom (replay sent), to address anything related to our theme that you want help with!

During this week we will deep dive and start to clear the negative psychological, emotional, and social impacts created by Father and Patriarchal Wounds that you created as a result of your relationship with father figure/s.

These wounds may emotionally manifest as

  • Attachment issues because you felt so insecure and unstable in your relationship with 'him,' and now you have difficulty in creating stable relationships and trust
  • Anxiety and depression beause of repeated crticisim, conflict or neglect
  • Low self-worth and self-esteem as a result of lack of support, creating inadequacy for you
  • Anger, resentment and overwhelm which impacts many parts of your life.

This week is for you if you want to start to do the deep work needed to begin letting go of the issues listed above, as well as

❤️ chronic stress and other mental health disorder issues

❤️ the intergenrational impact of poor parenting that may be carried over to your own parenting style

❤️ letting go of feelings of guilt for 'feeling this way about your father/figure' 

❤️ starting to allow self-care into your everyday life because you start to believe you are worthy and deserving

❤️ embracing easier communication with others as blocks to your throat chakra start releasing and it becomes easier for you to speak your truth.

If you would love to move into greater self-love and acceptance, and understanding around patriarchal relationships, then

    Come with 3 personal intentions of your own you’d like to manifest. This is six days of co-created healing and activations, beginning Friday 1 November 2024 to Wednesday 6 November.

    Your investment: £62.00

    🌟Registrations close London UK time Thursday 31 October at midnight🌟

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    A Numinous Week of Healing

    6 days of remote psychic healing sent to you over the course of one, Numinous Week!

    62.00 GBP

    Thank you for signing up for 6 days of numinous healing 🥰

    I'm so excited to to be working with you over the next 6 days

    Why SIX days of healing?

    The number six holds a unique place in many cultures and belief systems. It's the smallest positive integer that's neither a square nor a prime number, and is known as a perfect number. Additionally, six is linked to a variety of symbolic meanings and associations.

    I chose to work with the number six for two reasons. Firstly, it intuitively felt like the right choice for me. Secondly, after careful consideration, I realized that six aligned perfectly with my vision. Over the course of six days, participants are bathed in a continual flow of healing energy.

    Why a ‘Numinous Week of Healing’?

    ‘Numinous’ is derived from the Latin word numin, which means "divine power." The term is also linked to numen, a word that describes the characteristic spirit or divine power of a particular thing or place.

    What happens in a Numinous Week of Healing?

    Through group healings, the root causes of our issues are neutralised at a faster rate owing to the intentional mass of vibrational energy generated, focused, and concentrated by the group. We'll dive deep into the infinite intelligence that surrounds us, and we access a level of healing that is difficult to achieve alone.

    These actions, when set in motion, potentially create changes in the cells of our body, which in turn influence our health, thoughts and behaviours in a positive way. This healing transcends all time, space and ego limitations that ordinarily exist in our day-to-day lives.

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    A Numinous Week of Healing

    6 days of remote psychic healing sent to you over the course of one, Numinous Week!

    62.00 GBP

    Thank you for signing up for 6 days of numinous healing 🥰

    I'm so excited to to be working with you over the next 6 days