Manifesting Power Trio🌟 

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Manifesting Power Trio

11.11 USD

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Release & Clear the Negative Energies that are Blocking You

What's Included in Your Manifesting Power Trio?

  • Release Resistance to clear blocks as well as those you have inherited from others and ancestors

  • Expand Your Wings to free and open up the back side of your heart chakra providing you with more manifesting power and empowerment

  • Aura Repair essential for your energetic safety & strength to provide you with protection and power

    My Healing Videos

    Other Healing Videos

    Clear Invasive Energies

    Don't account for Invasive Energies

    Set Intention & Invite the Angels

    Don't Set Intention

    Reiki During Recording & Editing

    Do they do that?

    Incorporate Healing Solfeggios

    Don't know if they do?

    Over 10 Years of Professional Healing 


    Involve & Educate 

    Rarely Involve & Don't Educate

    Experience Immediate Positive Shifts in 

    Your Mood

    Questions & Answers

    Q: "Could a Healing VIDEO really help me?"

    A: "Yes! In fact, I've discovered that a healing video is even MORE powerful than an in person session. This is because of the Power of 8. If more then 8 people watch it, the strength is amplified exponentially. When I film the video for you, I am sending Reiki healing energy. I am also requesting the Angels to bring in their healing energy. AND I include healing music with the solfeggios. Then I add more Reiki during the editing process. All of my healing videos are incredibly potent."

    Q: "How can they be that powerful if they are so short?" 

    A: "Energy healing takes place instantly. What takes TIME is your readiness and ability to process the shifts that take place within your energetics. This system is so effective because it involves your conscious mind, higher self, and your Angels along with the healing energies."

    Q: "But if it's so powerful, why is it so inexpensive?" 

    A: These are intro prices - they will be raised at the end of the countdown.

    00 Days
    00 Hours
    00 Mins
    00 Secs

    Align in Your Power

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    Manifesting Power Trio

    11.11 USD

    Thank You and Many Blessings to You

    Here's Your Healing