For Parents and Caregivers

What You'll Learn:

Effortless Communication

Master the exact words and tones that cut through defiance and ensure your kids not only listen but understand without constant repetition.

Cooperation Hacks

Discover simple, yet powerful techniques that turn defiance into willingness, making tasks like homework, chores, and bedtime a breeze.

Time-Saving Strategies

Acquire time-saving techniques that make daily routines smoother, giving you back precious moments for quality family time.

Conflict Resolution 

Learn how to resolve conflicts swiftly and peacefully, diffusing tension before it escalates into a battleground.

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Ending Power Struggles Workshop

Discover the secrets to end power struggles with your kids and unlock a more harmonious household! This workshop will provide game-changing insights and practical strategies.

27.00 USD

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Meet Teresa Martino-Woods LPC, ACS

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What people say about me

No More Yelling Matches Or Feeling Overwhelmed

Transformation for 

You and Your Family

Turn Daily Chaos into Peaceful Moments

When You Access The End Power Struggles Workshop:

Improved Relationships

Foster deeper connections and understanding between you and your children.

Stress-Free Parenting

Say goodbye to the stress of constant negotiations, feeling more at ease and confident in handling challenging situations, calmly. 

Ease in Everyday Interactions

Experience a radical shift in the ease of daily interactions with your children, from breakfast battles to bedtime routines.

Secure Parent-Child Connection

Develop a relationship where your child feels understood and secure, so you don't have to worry about them as much anymore.

Take this step today and witness the transformation firsthand.

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Ending Power Struggles Workshop

Discover the secrets to end power struggles with your kids and unlock a more harmonious household! This workshop will provide game-changing insights and practical strategies.

27.00 USD

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