Take control of your perimenopause without starting another diet

You are in the right place if this sounds like you...

You can't sleep, you feel like you are losing your confidence and you just want to wake up and feel like your old self again.

Weight gain is stressing you out and you can't face starting another diet but you want to just be able to eat normally without staving yourself or binge eating.

You've spent your life working towards the next goal but now you feel like you're losing your grip on everything you've worked for.

You want your confidence back and to be able to handle everything life throws at you. 

It feels like you never have enough time to do anything for yourself and you are fed up with always being last on the list of priorities. 

You are not alone

The pressure placed on women to be perfect at every age is relentless. 

We have been brainwashed into believing if we are just stay thin enough, young enough and successful enough whilst pleasing everyone, we will win at life but this leaves us more and more exhausted. 

Shrinking your body, trying to be perfect and following the rules has got you nowhere...so how can you start feeling good in your body as it goes through perimenopause without compromising your health and your sanity? 

Imagine waking up feeling confident to handle your perimenopause symptoms, knowing that you don't have to obsess over food or fight with your body ever again!

I'm a Menopause Body Image & Intuitive eating coach and I can help you ditch the expectations of society and put yourself back in the driving seat

Inside MenoThrive you'll discover:

  • How to stop hating what you see in the mirror  so you can focus on enjoying your life and start pursuing what lights you up!
  • The easy way to feel relaxed around food without giving in to diet rules and restriction
  • To stop fearing weight gain and putting your life on hold hoping to be smaller you'll feel empowered to take up space, stop comparing yourself to others and start looking forward to all the things you can enjoy in life.
  • Create an incredible self care plan for yourself: get yourself off the stressful hamster wheel your life has become. Feel confident to put YOUR needs first and develop a self care practice that actually works.
  • Ditch the inner critic that tells you you're not enough and become your own cheerleader as you navigate menopause.  
  • Stop living in your head and start living in your body so you can really connect with yourself and stop treating your body like a project to be fixed. 

This 7 Week Group Course is just £497 and you'll get:

- 6 supportive group coaching sessions where you can make progress towards your goals 

- Instant access to the MenoThrive printable workbook to give you all the tools you need week by week

Plus two Bonuses!

Bonus One: A 60 Minute private coaching session with me worth £150

Bonus Two: Instant access to my Intuitive Eating Audio Course 

    Hey I'm Tamsin, 

    My perimenopause journey started when I was 38, I thought I was a failure and not only was I losing my grip on my 20 year career, I hated myself for how my body looked and thought I was a hideous failure. 

    Since 2020 I've been helping women out of diet culture and showing each and every one how to create a life that isn't dictated by the number on the scale. 

    I work with women who are exhausted by the pressures of society and are ready to let go of expectations. 

    The challenge you have is that you only know how to hate yourself and end up feeling frustrated and unsure of how to move forward.

    This is where I come in, I've been in your shoes and I know what it feels like to try and unpack years of dieting and hating your body.

    © Tamsin Broster Coaching, 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PRIVACY POLICY