
Right now is the most potent time of the year to expand abundance in your life and business, and I am here to help you harness it.

I may have grown up in a wealthy family, but I still know what it's like to struggle financially — to worry about how to pay your bills, to fear it's not going to be enough, to see only what you don't have — and that's why I desire for every woman that has the courage to be in business to experience nothing but ease and expansion around money. My goal is not just to help you make more of it, but also to expand your sense of safety, security, and freedom around it. My vision for you for this year's lions gate portal is to release the scarce, icky & uncomfortable feelings around money and start trusting yourself around it. In this free workshop I will help you to fall in love with the process of making, keeping and expanding money and hit your income goals with ease.

What we will cover?

— Full lions gate breakdown

— 3 core blocks to abundance and how to resolve them

— Building a sense of security & trust with money

— 7 key principles & practical steps for more abundance

— Special Lions Gate Offer

— Activation Activities

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