Gain clarity and find inner peace. Whether you're in a relationship or dealing with the aftermath of a breakup, if you're feeling all mixed up, asking "how did we get here"?, doubting yourself, and wondering 'What now?' — this masterclass is for you. 

What will you learn? 

In less than an hour, I'll help you figure out the signs you need to be aware of,  give you clarity on why the relationship feels/felt like a crazy rollercoaster, and why you feel stuck. Plus, practical tips to break free of the toxic cycle and start building a life of inner peace and joy. 

This MasterClass covers:

  • Unmasking the Narcissist: who are they, how they function.
  • Red Flags Alert: Learn to spot the signs early.
  • Prince Charming to Frog:  Understand what is Love Bombing and Trauma Bonding and how it affects you. 
  • Relationship Rollercoaster:  Why you feel crazy, lost trust in yourself, and stuck on breakup and make up. 
  • Breaking Free: Why it's tough to let go.
  • Liberation Tips: Simple steps to set yourself free.

It's time you stop blaming yourself for something that is not your fault. Watch the MasterClass now!