Business Fundamentals

Want to remove the overwhelm and stop worrying if you have missed something in your business?

Want to expand your business to help more people without worrying that you aren't fully aware of what is needed which may lead to repercussions?

This is where clarity brings peace of mind. Understanding what is required in your business is like crafting a spell, each ingredient, each step, each intention matters, but it's not just about following the law. Its about embracing the spirit it represents and having the right foundations in place so your business's soul shines bright.

Grounding Your Business Is Essential - Why?

Like a tree needs strong roots, your business needs a solid foundation on which to grow. This includes solid compliance practices.

With the fundamentals in place your business can run smoothly and efficiently so you can focus on your core mission and shining your light.

Understanding compliance, removing overwhelm not only helps you protect your business, you can stop worrying and make intuitive decisions increasing the sustainability of your mission.

A well structured business, with solid foundations exudes professionalism and trustworthiness and makes you stand out of the crowd.

Imagine a business with a foundation as strong and organic as the roots of a tree, allowing your mission to flourish. Have the confidence and peace of knowing your business is grounded, protected and aligned with your vision.

After you have taken your first step into business, you know you need some basic compliance foundations, but you don't know what those are. The Art of Compliance Magic is a toolkit to empower you to build strong and ethical compliance foundations within your business that foster growth, stability, efficiency and professionalism.

Imagine a Business with a compliance foundation as strong and organic as the roots of a tree, allowing your mission to flourish.

My mission is to educate the next generation of business owners on the fundamental compliance foundations that every business needs to be able to build a resilient structure that supports and enhances its mission-driven vision. This toolkit is for you if you struggle with the following:

Overwhelmed With Compliance

Despite your readiness to grow you're confused about the complex legal and regulatory requirements necessary for operating your business.

You know you need something but what is actually required?

Balancing Business with Values

When you balance your personal values and goals with the practical aspects of your business you may experience internal conflicts and stress and conflict. 

Understand what you need to focus on to ensure your business has stable foundations

Understanding Privacy & Client Considerations

Providing a service to your clients requires confidentiality and security as well as  understanding what documentation is required and what is your responsibility. 

Protection for you and your clients is paramount.


Whilst you can set up your business and figure this stuff out as you go along, imagine the following:

  • Be Empowered within your business - navigating the foundational aspects of your business with confidence and ease, feel empowered and knowledgeable and be equipped to handle all areas of your business with newfound confidence.
  • Free from Worry - no more worrying whether you have missed something, giving you the ability to concentrate on your clients and bringing your business into the world.
  • Enhanced Client Relationships - Having a clear understanding of privacy requirements will enable you to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and the trust they place in you when giving you their personal information.
  • Improve Focus - Understanding what is required will enable you to focus your resources appropriately.
  • Take the Next Step - in the evolution of your business, no more playing small! You came here to make an impact don't let the worry of compliance hold you back.

Compliance doesn't need to be scary but it does need to be done!

    Yes upon sign up you will receive everything via email. You will receive a PDF that has the checklist and embedded links to the masterclass and Asana board. Please ensure you save this and download the Asana board for your own records.

    All businesses have compliance requirements. As business owners it is our responsibility to understand what is required to run our businesses and what rules apply. If you are unsure what compliance requirements may apply this toolkit is perfect for you and your business.

    Congratulations - having policies in place is a great start, however having a policy doesn't mean your business is compliant. It is all about the audit (evidence) trail. The toolkit will give you clarity around what is needed. And if you are compliance already it will provide peace of mind that you have your bases covered.

    If you are unsure whether your business is compliant, or whether you have not considered something important, the toolkit can be used to highlight potential areas that need to be addressed. No matter where you are in your business journey it is useful to know whether your foundations are secure. If you are growing your business and are wondering what additional structures you need in place then please reach out to see if this would be appropriate for you.

    Whilst the toolkit is focused on helping UK businesses, the foundations of any business will be the same. However you will have different regulations and laws that need to be considered so reference should be made to local laws depending on where your business is based. If you are holding personal information of UK or EU residents then the data protection resources will be of help to your business.

    As the toolkit is provided for immediate download there are no refunds or cancellations available, as detailed in the Terms of Purchase.

    For a limited time the Art of Compliance Magic is only £27 (normally £47, although the value is soo much more!) - this offer is only available below so start creating the magic now.

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    The Art of Compliance Magic

    A toolkit to empower you to build strong and ethical compliance foundations within your business that foster stability, growth, efficiency, and professionalism. Immediate Access - no refunds in line with the Terms and Conditions.

    27.00 GBP

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    You will also receive an email with a link to the masterclass - don't forget to check your junk folder as it may land there.