
If you're over 18 and think you have what it takes to join our team fill in the form below...

If you can't upload your CV to Google or Wetransfer to send us a link you can physically take it to any of our locations or email it to us at [email protected]

What our team think about working at The Greedy Gordons Group


"Great Team"

Hear about what it's like working at Greedy Gordons and some of the vacancies we have available.



Looking to be part of a team and enjoy being sociable. Pete highlights his favourite things about working at Greedy Gordons.



Relocating and winning awards. Listen to the Red Lion head chef about his Greedy Gordons experience.



Maybe you run your own business like Laura. She enjoys the flexibility of working with Greedy Gordons when her own business is quiet.


"Join us"

Do you think you have what it takes to join our great team? Complete the form below and we'll arrange an interview.

All Rights Reserved

Greedy Gordons Pub Group