Are you a coach looking for a different supervisory experience?

Need a fresh perspective in Supervision?

If you’ve been with the same supervisor for years then maybe it’s time for a change.

It's easy to get into a routine in supervision when the relationship becomes comfortable and familiar. This can be positive, it can also result in complacence. Aspects of your practice might be over-looked or assumptions made.

You may even have outgrown your supervisor in terms of the direction of your practice or your expertise.

A change doesn’t have to be permanent and it doesn’t have to mean the end of your current supervisory relationship. The existing relationship can be positively impacted just by experiencing something new.

I offer supportive, experiential and engaging supervision for Coaches and Therapeutic Coaches . Whether you’re looking for a single session or a longer-term supervisory arrangement I'd love to explore how I can support you in your work.